Total Record : 3
Author: Erwin Rausch, Harry R. Carter
ISBN: 0763744018 / 9780763744014
Year: 2007
Availability: Out of Stock
This revised edition of Management in the Fire Service is the best source for proven strategies on handling the managerial challenges unique to your field. You'll find the latest on vital topics suc...
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List Price: $ 54.95

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Author: Denise Beach
Year: 2012
Availability: Out of Stock
The 2012 NFPA 54 Set combines everything you need to know about fuel gas safety and compliance for 15% off. Bring your knowledge about fuel gas-related fire and explosions risks up-to-code with t...
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List Price: $ 178

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Author: SFPE
ISBN: 0877658218 / 9780877658214
Year: 2008
Availability: Out of Stock
Updated with new fire protection research and test results, the 4th edition SFPE Handbook improves your analysis and design expertise! Written by fire scientists and engineers from around the wor...
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List Price: $ 270

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