Nan : A Six Sigma Mystery

Title: Nan : A Six Sigma Mystery
Author: Robert Barry
ISBN: 0873896122 / 9780873896122
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 250
Publisher: ASQ
Year: 2003
Availability: Out of Stock

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Six Sigma is revolutionizing many industries by reducing variations and errors, while increasing production and profitability. These same concepts are readily being applied in many non-manufacturing fields, including health care which is an industry scrutinized like few others. But how does Six Sigma work? That is the goal of Nan: A Six Sigma Mystery, which helps explain these concepts in an easy to follow format, focusing on their application in the healthcare industry.

This engaging and easy-to-use book explains how Six Sigma can be used to improve performance and eliminate costly errors. It is cleverly written as a mystery novel set in a hospital, where the main character, Nan, uses her Six Sigma skills to sleuth and find the cause of a series of recent deaths. While the book is not intended to teach these concepts, readers will see the value and power of using Six Sigma, particularly Poka Yoke, while being entertained and intrigued by the well-written mystery. This book is especially beneficial to healthcare workers who will appreciate first hand the obstacles Nan is struggling to overcome, but is also valuable to anyone who needs to eliminate wasteful errors in their workplace. An ideal book for those just learning Six Sigma or for corporate training, Nan is also a great read for executives looking for more examples of how to implement Six Sigma in their own organizations.

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Chapter 1 : The Baby Is Dead—So Is the Board Chairman
Chapter 2 : Nan's First Day on the Job
Chapter 3 : How Things Work in the Nursing Service
Chapter 4 : The Monday Staff Meeting
Chapter 5 : Monday Lunch with the CFO and CPO
Chapter 6 : Verbal Orders
Chapter 7 : Monday Evening at Home with Jack
Chapter 8 : Tuesday Morning's Reading of the Records
Chapter 9 : Nan Meets Detective Laurel
Chapter 10 : Tuesday’s Get-Acquainted Lunch
Chapter 11 : Nan Visits a Clinic
Chapter 12 : Nan Gets the Word on Mr. Bill's Demise
Chapter 13 : Wednesday Morning's Breakfast
Chapter 14 : Wednesday's Meeting with the COO
Chapter 15 : Skoots Pays a Visit
Chapter 16 : The Lowdown on Mr. Bill
Chapter 17 : Bean Counter Session
Chapter 18 : Lunchtime Theatre
Chapter 19 : Who Owns the Machines?
Chapter 20 : United Way Meeting
Chapter 21 : Stan Pays a Visit
Chapter 22 : Gordo Appears
Chapter 23 : Sequestering the Evidence
Chapter 24 : Dressing-Down
Chapter 25 : The Four Nurses
Chapter 26 : Wednesday Evening on the Phone
Chapter 27 : Jack Calls Home
Chapter 28 : Laying the Snare on Thursday Morning
Chapter 29 : The Capital Budget Meeting
Chapter 30 : Thursday Morning Meeting with Maggie and Carl
Chapter 31 : The All-Hands Luncheon
Chapter 32 : The Nursing School Flap
Chapter 33 : The Electronic Patients Records Meeting
Chapter 34 : Jack Calls
Chapter 35 : Thursday Evening
Chapter 36 : Friday Morning
Chapter 37 : Meenie Comes to Call
Chapter 38 : Mojo
Chapter 39 : Nan Makes Notes on Bar Code
Chapter 40 : Nan Writes Her Documents
Chapter 41 : The Noon Meeting

An Afterword and Six Sigma