New World Press

Total Record : 3
Author: Wang Yiwei
ISBN: 7510455537 / 9787510455537
Year: 2016
Availability: Out of Stock
This book constitutes an authoritative interpretation of the Belt and Road Initiative by Professor Wang Yiwei, a distinguished expert on international issues. It is China's first book to explain the...
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List Price: ` 1250

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Author: Ren Xiaosi
ISBN: 7510442834 / 9787510442834
Year: 2014
Availability: In Stock
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List Price: ` 1495
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Author: The Film Crew of The Main Battlefield of the East
ISBN: 7510451833 / 9787510451836
Year: 2016
Availability: In Stock
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List Price: ` 1995
Offer Price: ` 1900