
Total Record : 257
Author: Jim Crompton, Steve Cooper
ISBN: 1791890903 / 9781791890902
Year: 2019
Availability: Out of Stock
It is apparent to everyone within the Industry that significant changes are underway. These changes are being driven by the need to operate more efficiently and with fewer people. Picture a general ...
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List Price: $ 75

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Author: Michael Wiebe
ISBN: 0878147675 / 9780878147670
Year: 2000
Availability: In Stock
Industry expert Michael Wiebe tells you how electricity is distributed, measured, and billed in order to find new solutions needed in an increasingly competitive market. He also gives you a review o...
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List Price: $ 71
Offer Price: ` 4300
Author: Vito Stagliano
ISBN: 0878148175 / 9780878148172
Year: 2001
Availability: Out of Stock
by Vito Stagliano Energy––electric, oil and gas, coal, nuclear, renewable––powers the United States and the rest of the industrialized world. It also "powers" political uphea...
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List Price: $ 59

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Author: Ann O'Hara
ISBN: 0878147640 / 9780878147649
Year: 1999
Availability: In Stock
A comprehensive look at gas contracts and the significant changes they have gone through partially due to FERC Order 636 and activism of Gas Industry Standards Board....
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List Price: $ 95
Offer Price: ` 5800
Author: Mikhail Y. Gelfgat, Yakov A. Gelfgat, Yuri S. Lopatin
ISBN: 0878147861 / 9780878147861
Year: 2003
Availability: In Stock
Volume one of this two-volume set covers historical trends and two major aspects of drilling technologies—downhole motors and oil well drilling optimization (KTW—Key Technological Wells ...
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List Price: $ 129
Offer Price: ` 7800
Author: Mikhail Y. Gelfgat, Yakov A. Gelfgat, Yuri S. Lopatin
ISBN: 0878148914 / 9780878148912
Year: 2003
Availability: In Stock
Volume Two provides detailed descriptions and case studies of the several technologies developed and widely used in Russia. There are directional drilling, deep and ultra-deep well construction, und...
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List Price: $ 129
Offer Price: ` 7800
Author: Detlev G. Kroger
ISBN: 0878148965 / 9780878148967
Year: 2004
Availability: In Stock
This new text represents the most detailed and comprehensive book presenting modern practice and theory relevant to the thermal-flow performance evaluation, design, and optimization of air-cooled he...
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List Price: $ 180
Offer Price: ` 12200
Author: Detlev G. Koroger
ISBN: 1593700199 / 9781593700195
Year: 2004
Availability: In Stock
This new text represents the most detailed and comprehensive book presenting modern practice and theory relevant to the thermal-flow performance evaluation, design, and optimization of air-cooled he...
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List Price: $ 180
Offer Price: ` 10400
Author: Peter Bartok
ISBN: 1593704070 / 9781593704070
Year: 2018
Availability: In Stock
Since the year 2000, unconventional shale plays have contributed greatly to the global oil and gas supply, particularly in the United States. Understanding and managing these resources requires a un...
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List Price: $ 129
Offer Price: ` 8800
Author: Jim August, PE
ISBN: 0878147462 / 9780878147465
Year: 2000
Availability: Out of Stock
Based on advanced maintenance models developed during FAA certification of 747 aircraft, reliability-centered maintenance (RCM) is used to control maintenance costs while improving reliability. Auth...
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List Price: $ 89
Discount: 10%
Offer Price: $ 80.10

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Author: Mamdouh R. Gadallah and Ray L. Fisher
ISBN: 1593700229 / 9781593700225
Year: 2005
Availability: In Stock
This new text provides comprehensive coverage of exploration seismology and elements of geology pertinent to exploration geology. It is profusely illustrated and has workshops included to aid unders...
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List Price: $ 167
Offer Price: ` 12500
Author: Brad Buecker
ISBN: 1593701861 / 9781593701864
Year: 2002
Availability: In Stock
An excellent primer for power plant professionals who have to wear many hats and need a practical explanation of the design and basic operation of conventional steam generating boilers and HRSGs wit...
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List Price: $ 95
Offer Price: ` 6600
Author: Anthony J. Pansini
ISBN: 0878146733 / 9780878146734
Year: 1996
Availability: Out of Stock
This informative text clearly explains the technical aspects of electric motors in nontechnical language. It is divided into two sections: 1) Electric Motors: types, characteristics, operation, m...
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List Price: $ 46
Discount: 10%
Offer Price: $ 41.40

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Author: Anthony J. Pansini and Kenneth D. Smalling
ISBN: 0878147322 / 9780878147328
Year: 1999
Availability: Out of Stock
Here in nontechnical language is information about the planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of transmission systems. Detailing the materials and equipment that make up transmissi...
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List Price: $ 69

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Author: James J. Smolen
ISBN: 087814465X / 9780878144655
Year: 1996
Availability: In Stock
This title details the operation and application of logging tools and services, with emphasis on the physical sense of what each tool does and how it does it. The book provides current, comprehensiv...
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List Price: $ 155
Offer Price: ` 8800
Author: Dr. Meherwan Boyce, P.E.
ISBN: 0878148019 / 9780878148011
Year: 2003
Availability: Out of Stock
The proper selection of a compressor is a complex and important decision. The successful operation of many plants depends on smooth and efficient compressor operations. To ensure the best selection ...
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List Price: $ 143
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Author: Frank L. Fire
ISBN: 0912212276 / 9780912212272
Year: 1994
Availability: Out of Stock
Covers the Chemicals that Rescuers will Most likely Encounter A compilation of articles by Frank Fire Sr. from his popular Fire Engineering column on chemicals. Eeach article indentifies a specific...
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List Price: $ 71.95

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Author: Juan-Antonio Carballo
ISBN: 1593701063 / 9781593701062
Year: 2008
Availability: In Stock
Chip Design for Non-Designers: An Introduction provides a practical introduction to modern chip design methodologies. It is intended for manufacturing-oriented and other non-design professionals wit...
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List Price: $ 95
Offer Price: ` 6200
Author: Jr., P.E.; and William A. Martin, P.E.; John H. Fish III, P.E.; John R. Boyle, Ramond G. Tessmer
ISBN: 0878144544 / 9780878144549
Year: 1995
Availability: In Stock
This book investigates the potential for increasing cogeneration by wheeling power through an interconnected utility to another utility or industrial plant. The book addresses technical and external...
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List Price: $ 49
Offer Price: ` 3600
Author: Joel K. Wilson
ISBN: 1593704178 / 9781593704179
Year: 2019
Availability: In Stock
Many on-site power plants either fail outright or perform far below expectations— all because of poor planning and evaluation of the power plants from the beginning. This book is intended t...
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List Price: $ 109
Offer Price: ` 7500
Author: John O'Connell
ISBN: 1593702639 / 9781593702632
Year: 2011
Availability: Out of Stock
Collapse Operations for First Responders discusses in detail the common warning signs of structural collapse and what to do when they are encountered, providing a practical, hands-on approach to ope...
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List Price: $ 83

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Author: Bert Rukes, Frank Hannemann, Franz Stirnimann, Rolf Kehlhofer
ISBN: 1593701683 / 9781593701680
Year: 2009
Availability: In Stock
Combined-Cycle Gas & Steam Turbine Power Plants, 3rd Edition, is a comprehensive overview of the combined-cycle power plant from a thermodynamic, technical, and economic viewpoint. This new edition ...
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List Price: $ 126
Offer Price: ` 10200
Author: Yuriy I. Khavkin
ISBN: 0878144625 / 9780878144624
Year: 1996
Availability: Out of Stock
In this book, prominent Russian Engineer Yuriy I. Khavkin compares historical combustion models for gas turbines with a discussion of modern combustion chambers. These models-gas turbines, combustio...
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List Price: $ 79
Discount: 10%
Offer Price: $ 71.10

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Author: John E. Traister
ISBN: 0878146261 / 9780878146260
Year: 1994
Availability: Out of Stock
This reference provides a welcome authoritative resource of up-to-date information for anyone concerned with electric and electronic motor controls, covering theory and design, as well as practical ...
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List Price: $ 69

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Author: Albert Boulanger, Arthur Kressner, John A. Johnson, Roger N. Anderson
ISBN: 1593701578 / 9781593701574
Year: 2008
Availability: In Stock
In this new look at energy business operations, an expert team of scientists and engineers provide a road map for transforming energy business capabilities to meet growth imperatives in an increasin...
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List Price: $ 99
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