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Politics of Modern Iran, (4 Volume Set)

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Title: Politics of Modern Iran, (4 Volume Set)
Author: Ali M. Ansari
ISBN: 041540911X / 9780415409117
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 1328
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 2011
Availability: 45-60 days
  • Description
  • Contents

A quarter of a century on from the revolution of 1979 there is an ongoing political struggle within Iran between traditionalists and modernists, with the ever-younger average age of the population playing a dynamic role. And on the international stage, the big issues remain Iran’s hostility towards Israel and the development of nuclear power in the face of US and international opposition. This is all in addition to the oil question and the strategic interest of Russia, an issue which harks back to the nineteenth century but remains unresolved, as well as Iran’s concern about the proper stewardship of the holy places of Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem.

This four-volume collection brings together for the first time the very best and most influential scholarship on the politics of modern Iran. It is an invaluable source of reference for both scholars and students alike, and will allow those developing an interest in Iran quickly and easily to access the highest quality scholarship in the field.

Any understanding of modern Iran must be founded on a firm grasp of the historical context and some of the conceptual issues which underwrite contemporary Iranian politics. Volume I brings together the key work on Iran’s historical inheritance, including articles on religion and culture. Volume II gathers the vital scholarship on the political development of Iran while the third volume assembles materials focused on economic development and the contemporary political economy. The final volume in the collection is organized around Iran’s foreign relations, and includes a special section on the Iran–Iraq War.

Volume I : History and Historiography

Part 1 : Historiography
Chapter 1 :
The Historians of The Constitutional Movement and The Making of The Iranian Populist Tradition’, International Journal of Middle East Studies
Chapter 2 : Persia in The Western Imagination, Anglo-Iranian Relations Since 1800
Chapter 3 : Problems in Iranian Historiography
Chapter 4 : The Study of History in Post-Revolutionary Iran : Nostalgia, Illusion, or Historical Awareness?’, Iranian Studies
Chapter 5 : History Used and Abused’, Khomeinism

Part 2 : History
Chapter 6 :
Kasravi, The Integrative Nationalist of Iran’, Middle Eastern Studies
Chapter 7 : Oriental Despotism : The Case of Qajar Iran’, International Journal of Middle East Studies
Chapter 8 : Mirza Aqa Khan Kirmani : A Nineteenth Persian Nationalist’, Middle Eastern Studies
Chapter 9 : Staging The Emperor’s New CloThes : Dress Codes and Nation Building under Reza Shah’, Iranian Studies
Chapter 10 : Iranian Nationalism and Reza Shah’, Middle Eastern Studies
Chapter 11 : Government and Society in Iran, 1926 - 34’, Middle Eastern Studies
Chapter 12 : Nationalist Trends in Iran, 1921 - 1926’, International Journal of Middle East Studies
Chapter 13 : Reza Shah’s Court Minister : Teymourtash’, International Journal of Middle East Studies
Chapter 14 : Imperial Power and Dictatorship : Britain and The Rise of Reza Shah, 1921 - 1926’, International Journal of Middle East Studies
Chapter 15 : Britain and The Overthrow of The Mosaddeq Government, Mohammad Mosaddeq and The 1953 Coup in Iran

Volume II : Politics

Chapter 16 :
Communism and Communalism in Iran : The Tudah and The Firqah-i Dimukrat’, International Journal of Middle East Studies
Chapter 17 : The Crowd in Iranian Politics 1905 - 1953’, Past & Present
Chapter 18 : The Paranoid Style in Iranian Politics’, Khomeinism
Chapter 19 : The Three Cultures, Reason, Freedom and Democracy in Islam : Essential Writings of Abdolkarim Soroush
Chapter 20 : What is (Iranian) National Character’, Iranian Studies
Chapter 21 : The Plasticity in Informal Politics : The Case of Iran’, Middle East Journal
Chapter 22 : The Politics of Student Alienation : The Case of Iran’, Iranian Studies
Chapter 23 : Popularity of Islamic and Persian Names in Iran Before and After The Islamic Revolution’, International Journal of Middle East Studies
Chapter 24 : Arbitrary Rule : A Comparative Theory of State, Politics and Society in Iran’, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies
Chapter 25 : Ayatollah Kashani : Precursor of The Islamic Republic?, Religion and Politics in Iran : Shi’ism from Quietism to Revolution
Chapter 26 : The Encounter of Post-Revolutionary Thought in Iran with Hegel, Heidegger, and Popper, Cultural Transitions in The Middle East
Chapter 27 : The Myth of The White Revolution : Mohammad Reza Shah, "Modernisation" and The Consolidation of Power’, Middle Eastern Studies
Chapter 28 : The Qarani Affair and Iranian Politics’, International Journal of Middle East Studies
Chapter 29 : Iran under Ahmadinejad : Populism and its Malcontents’, International Affairs
Chapter 30 : The Reform Movement and The Debate on Modernity and Tradition in Contemporary Iran’, International Journal of Middle East Studies
Chapter 31 : Nationalism in Twentieth-Century Iran and Dr Muhammad Mosaddiq, Musaddiq, Iranian Nationalism and Oil

Volume III : Economy and Society

Chapter 32 :
The Growth of Towns and Villages in Iran 1900 - 66’, Middle Eastern Studies
Chapter 33 : Winners and Losers of The Iranian Revolution : A Study in Income Distribution’, International Journal of Middle East Studies
Chapter 34 : The Social and Economic Foundations of Power in Contemporary Iran’, Middle East Journal
Chapter 35 : Political Upheaval and Socio-economic Continuity : The Case of Iran’, RUSEL Working Paper No : 6
Chapter 36 : The Iranian Power Structure and Social Change, 1800 - 1969 : An Overview’, International Journal of Middle East Studies
Chapter 37 : Islamization of Economics in Iranian Universities’, International Journal of Middle East Studies
Chapter 38 : Hidden Public Expenditures and The Economy in Iran’, International Journal of Middle East Studies
Chapter 39 : Political Aspects of Modern Shi’i Legal Discussions : Khumayni and Khu’i on Ijtihâd and Qada’, Mediterranean Politics
Chapter 40 : Religious Modernists and The "Woman Question" : Challenges and Complicities, Twenty Years of Islamic Revolution : Political and Social Transition in Iran Since 1979
Chapter 41 : Cinema as a Political Instrument, Modern Iran : The Dialectics of Continuity and Change
Chapter 42 : The Aridisolatic Society : A Model of Long-Term Social and Economic Development in Iran’, International Journal of Middle East Studies
Chapter 43 : The Sense and Essence of Secularism, Reason, Freedom and Democracy in Islam : Essential Writings of Abdolkarim Soroush
Chapter 44 : What The University Expects from The Hawzeh, Reason, Freedom and Democracy in Islam : Essential Writings of Abdolkarim Soroush
Chapter 45 : Ideological Revolution in Shi‘ism, Authority and Political Culture in Shi’ism
Chapter 46 : From MoTherhood to Equal Rights Advocates : The Weakening of The Patriarchal Order, Iran in The 21st Century : Politics, Economics and Conflict
Chapter 47 : Some New Trends in Islamic Political Thought in Late 18th and Early 19th-Century Persia’, Studia Islamica
Chapter 48 : A Reconsideration of The Position of The Marja Al-Taqlid and The Religious Institution’, Studia Islamica

Volume IV : International Relations

Chapter 49 :
Double Demons : Cultural Impedance in US-Iranian Understanding’, Iranian Journal of International Affairs
Chapter 50 : Iranian Foreign Policy under Khatami : Reform and Reintegration, Iran and Eurasia
Chapter 51 : Iran’s Foreign Policy under The Islamic Republic, 1979 - 2000, Diplomacy in The Middle East : The International Relations of Regional and Outside Powers
Chapter 52 : Iran’s Strategic Predicament’, Middle East Journal
Chapter 53 : Iran and The US in The Shadow of 9/11 : Persia and The Persian Question Revisited’, Iranian Studies
Chapter 54 : Civilizational Identity and Foreign Policy, The Limits of Culture
Chapter 55 : Cultural Transmutations : The Dialectics of Globalisation in Contemporary Iran, Globalisation and The Middle East : Islam, Economy, Society and Politics
Chapter 56 : Universalist Counter-Projections : Iranian Post-Revolutionary Foreign Policy and Globalisation, Disassociation and Appropriation : Responses to Globalisation in Asia and Africa
Chapter 57 : Iran’s Foreign Policy : A Revolution in Transition, Iran and The Surrounding World
Chapter 58 : The Iranian Revolution : Its Impact on Economic Relations with The United States’, International Journal of Middle East Studies
Chapter 59 : Myths of Soviet-Iranian Relations, NeiTher East nor West : Iran, The Soviet Union, and The United States
Chapter 60 : Narratives of Modernity : Perspective of an Oriental Despot, Challenging Boundaries : Global Flows, Territorial Identities
Chapter 61 : The Last Phase of The Iran : Iraq War : From Stalemate to Ceasefire’, Third World Quarterly
Chapter 62 : Military Power and Foreign Policy Goals : The Iran-Iraq War Revisited’, International Affairs

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