Power Plant Performance Monitoring

Title: Power Plant Performance Monitoring
Author: Carl A. Palmer, Michael R. Erbes, Rodney R. Gay
ISBN: 0975587609 / 9780975587607
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 538
Publisher: R Squared Publishing
Year: 2004
Availability: Out of Stock

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Power Plant Performance Monitoring is a compilation of analytic methods to evaluate power plant performance and determine the degradation of major power plant equipment. The methods used for performance test calculations (such as the ASME Performance Test Code procedures) are reviewed, but the focus of the book is on detailed heat balance analysis and expected equipment performance predictions. These more detailed methods are the essential building blocks that enable on-line performance monitoring systems to evaluate degradation with repeatable precision. Power Plant Performance Monitoring explains the following topics :

• Basic Concept of Performance Monitoring
• Curve-Based Methods
• Heat Balance Methods
• Using Commercial Equation Solvers
• Using Commercial Heat Balance Codes
• Data Validation
• Accuracy of Results
• Expected Performance
• Corrected Performance
• Impacts of Equipment Degradation on Plant Performance

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Includes detailed methods to evaluate degradation in the these types of equipment :

• Gas Turbines
• Boilers
• Heat Recovery Steam Generators
• Steam Turbines
• Condensers
• Feedwater Heaters
• Air Heaters
• Inlet Air Filters
• Pumps
• Cooling Towers
• Overall Power Plants

The methods in this book are presented in suf. cient detail to enable readers to construct useful customized performance monitoring calculations for their power plants.

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Chapter 1. Overview of Performance Monitoring
1.1 Concept of Performance Monitoring
1.1.1 “Where You Are” Vs “Where You Should Be”
1.1.2 Performance Calculation Procedure 17
1.1.3 Expected Performance: “Where You Should Be”
1.1.4 Equipment Ratings
1.1.5 Corrected Performance
1.1.6 What is My Degradation?
1.1.7 How Much is Degradation Costing Me?
1.1.8 Optimization: “Where You Could Be”
1.1.9 Controllable Loss Displays
1.2 ASME Test Codes
1.3 Performance Testing versus Online Monitoring
1.4 Curve Based Methods
1.4.1 Performance Curves
1.4.2 Expected Performance from Curves
1.4.3 Additive Performance Factors
1.4.4 Expected Performance from Curves
1.4.5 Correction Factors
1.4.6 Percent Change Correction Factors
1.5 Model-Based Performance Analysis
Chapter 2. Heat Balance Analysis
2.1 Local Heat Balances
2.2 Combined-Cycle Overall Plant Heat Balance
2.3 Combined-Cycle Balance Using Commercial Software
2.4 Rankine-Cycle Overall Plant Heat Balance
2.5 Rankine-Cycle Balance Using Commercial Software
Chapter 3. Data Validation
3.1 Definition of Data Validation
3.2 Range Checking
3.2.1 Static Ranges
3.2.2 Dynamic Ranges
3.2.3 Rejected Values
3.3 Averaging Sensor Data
3.4 Time Averaging
3.5 Heat Balances for Data Validation
Chapter 4. Accuracy of Calculated Results
4.1 Instrument Error
4.1.1 Measurement Error
4.1.2 Random Uncertainty
4.1.3 Systematic Uncertainty
4.2 Uncertainty of a Calculated Test Result
4.3 Monte Carlo Method
4.3.1 Definition of the Monte Carlo Method
4.3.2 Probability Distributions
4.3.3 Sampling from Probability Distributions
4.3.4 Running the Monte Carlo Simulation
4.3.5 Results of the Monte Carlo Simulation
Chapter 5. Overall Power Plant Performance
5.1 Equipment Performance versus Plant Performance
5.2 Specification of Overall Power Plant Performance
5.3 Overall Plant Expected Performance Models
5.3.1 Curve-Based Method Expected Plant Perf
5.3.2 Model-Based Method Expected Plant Perf
5.3.3 Impact Method for Expected Plant Performance
5.4 Degradation of the Overall Power Plant
Chapter 6. Impacts of Degradation on Overall Plant Performance
6.1 Definitions of Plant Impacts
6.2 Gas Turbine Impacts
6.3 Heat Recovery Steam Generator Impacts
6.4 Steam Turbine Impacts
6.5 Boiler Impacts
6.6 Feedwater Heater Impacts
6.7 Condenser Impacts
6.8 Cooling Tower Impacts
6.9 Inlet Air Filter Impacts
6.10 Exhaust Pressure Loss Impacts
Chapter 7. Gas Turbine Performance
7.1 Overview
7.2 Power Generation
7.3 Airflow, Firing Temperature and Pressure Ratio
7.4 Control Algorithms
7.5 Correction Curves (Baseload Performance)
7.5.1 Effect of Inlet Temperature
7.5.2 Effect of Inlet Humidity
7.5.3 Effect of Atmospheric Pressure or Altitude
7.5.4 Effect of Inlet Pressure Loss
7.5.5 Effect of Exit Pressure Loss
7.5.6 Effect of Steam or Water Injection
7.6 Part-Load Performance (Industrial Engines)
7.7 Part-Load Correction Curves
7.7.1 Under-Firing Correction
7.7.2 Inlet Guide Vane Correction
7.7.3 Part-Load Expected Heat Rate
7.8 Aeroderivative Engine Performance
7.9 Overall Gas Turbine Heat Balance
7.9.1 Determination of Exhaust Gas Specific Heat
7.9.2 Detailed Gas Turbine Heat Balance
7.9.3 Tuning Detailed Gas Turbine Heat Balance
7.9.4 Step-by-Step Solution of the Equations
7.9.5 Simultaneous Solution of the Equations
7.9.6 Combustion Mass Balance Analysis
7.9.7 Specific Heat of a Mixture
7.10 Model-Based Gas Turbine Heat Balance
7.11 Physically-Based Models for Expected GT Performance
7.12 Gas Turbine Performance Evaluation
7.13 A theoretical degradation curve versus time is in
7.14 Experience with Measured Data from Operating GT
7.15 Performance Degradation and Engine Life
Chapter 8. Heat Recovery Steam Generator Performance
8.1 Overview
8.1.1 Economizers
8.1.2 Evaporators
8.1.3 Blowdown
8.1.4 Superheaters
8.2 Duct Burner
8.3 HRSG Efficiency and Effectiveness
8.4 Expected HRSG Performance
8.4.1 Effect of Duct Burner Firing
8.4.2 Effect of Exhaust Gas Temperature
8.4.3 Effect of Exhaust Gas Flow
8.4.4 Effect of Steam Pressure
8.5 HRSG Heat Balance Analysis
8.6 Model-Based HRSG Heat Balance Analysis
8.7 Expected Section-by-Section Performance
8.8 Impact of Fouling on HRSG Performance
8.9 HRSG Performance Evaluation
8.10 Example Performance Analysis Fouled HP Evaporator
8.11 Example of Section-by-Section Expected HRSG Perf
8.12 Conclusions and Recommendations
Chapter 9. Steam Turbine Performance
9.1 Overview
9.2 Steam Turbine Configurations
9.2.1 Inlet Section
9.2.2 Condensing Section
9.2.3 Back-Pressure Steam Turbines
9.2.4 Extractions
9.2.5 Controlled (‘Automatic’) Extraction
9.2.6 Uncontrolled Extraction
9.2.7 Admission
9.2.8 Reheat
9.3 Seals and Leaks
9.4 Steam Turbine Thermal Performance
9.4.1 Steam Turbine Efficiency and Heat Rate
9.4.2 Pressure, Temperature and Flow Relationships
9.5 Steam Turbine Heat Balance Analysis
9.5.1 Combined-Cycle ST Heat Balance Analysis
9.5.2 Rankine Cycle ST Heat Balance Analysis
9.6 Curve-Based Expected Performance
9.6.1 Rankine Cycle Steam Turbine Correction Curves
9.6.2 Combined Cycle ST Performance Curves
9.7 Model-Based Expected Steam Turbine Performance
9.7.1 Expected Performance of Overall Steam Turbine
9.7.2 Section-by-Section Expected ST Performance
9.8 Building Steam Turbine Expected Performance Models
9.9 Steam Turbine Degradation
Chapter 10. Boiler Performance
10.1 Boiler Efficiency
10.2 Theoretical Air
10.3 Boiler Losses
10.4 Flue Gas Loss
10.4.1 Generalized Chemical Balance Method
10.4.2 Products of Combustion Method
10.4.3 Loss Due to Moisture
10.5 Loss Due to Ash
10.6 Loss Due to Radiation
10.7 Credits for Heat Addition to Boiler
10.8 Boiler Heat Balance Analysis
10.8.1 Furnace Heat Balance Analysis
10.8.2 Analysis of Boiler Convective Heat Exchangers
10.8.3 Desuperheater Heat Balance
10.8.4 Air Heater Heat Balance
10.8.5 Simultaneous Solution of the Equations
10.9 Model-Based Boiler Heat Balance Analysis
10.10 Expected Boiler Performance
10.10.1 Curve-Based Method for Exp Boiler Perf
10.10.2 Model-Based Expected Boiler Performance
10.11 Boiler Degradation
10.12 Sootblowing Analysis
Chapter 11. Air Heater Performance
11.1 Overview
11.2 Air Heater Heat-Balance Analysis
11.3 Air Heater Expected Performance
11.4 Air Heater Degradation
Chapter 12. Feedwater Heater Performance
12.1 Overview
12.2 Feedwater Heater Heat-Balance Analysis
12.3 Expected Feedwater Heater Performance
12.4 Feedwater Heater Degradation
Chapter 13. Deaerators, Drums and Open Heaters
Chapter 14. Condenser Performance
14.1 Overview
14.1.1 ASME Method for Condenser Heat Transfer
14.1.2 The HEI Method for Condenser Heat Transfer
14.2 Condenser Heat Balance Analysis
14.2.1 Overall Plant Energy Balance for Cond Duty
14.2.2 Steam Turbine Expansion Line Analysis
14.2.3 Condenser Heat Balance Equations
14.2.4 Condenser Cleanliness from Measured Data
14.2.5 Validation of Condenser Heat Balance Data
14.3 Condenser Expected Performance
14.3.1 Predicting Expected Condenser Performance
14.4 Condenser Degradation
14.5 Diagnosing Condenser Performance Problems
Chapter 15. Cooling Tower Performance
15.1 Overview
15.2 Cooling Tower Performance Curves
15.3 Cooling Tower Heat Balance Analysis
15.4 Expected Cooling Tower Performance
15.5 Cooling Tower Degradation
Chapter 16. Inlet and Exhaust Pressure Losses
16.1 Overview
16.2 Fitting the Pressure Loss Equation to Data
16.3 Pressure Loss Degradation
Chapter 17. Pump Performance
17.1 Overview
17.2 Extended Bernoulli Equation
17.3 Pump Curves
17.4 Affinity Laws
17.5 Corrected Pump Performance
17.6 Pump Flow Control
17.7 Model-Based Pump Performance
17.8 Pump Degradation
References and Links
APPENDIX Definition of Terms