Practical Boiler Water Treatment Handbook

Title: Practical Boiler Water Treatment Handbook
Author: Natarajan Manivasakam
ISBN: 0820601713 / 9780820601717
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 572
Publisher: Chemical Publishing Co. Inc.
Year: 2011
Availability: 15-30 days

Tab Article

Part I : Boiler Basics
Chapter 1 :
Boiler : An Introduction
Chapter 2 : Classification of Boilers
Chapter 3 : Common Terms and Explanation

Part II : Boiler Water Troubles
Chapter 4 :
Impurities in Water and Their Effects
Chapter 5 : Boiler Water Troubles : A Prelude
Chapter 6 : Scale Formation
Chapter 7 : Silica Carryover
Chapter 8 : Scale Formation in Economizers
Chapter 9 : Super Heater and Turbine Deposits
Chapter 10 : Corrosion : Basic Information
Chapter 11 : General Corrosion (Overall Corrosion / Acidic Corrosion)
Chapter 12 : Dissolved Oxygen Corrosion (Pitting Corrosion)
Chapter 13 : Carbondioxide Corrosion
Chapter 14 : Corrosion Caused by Unstable Salts
Chapter 15 : Corrosion Caused by Other Substances
Chapter 16 : Corrosion Caused by Chelants (Chelant Corrosion)
Chapter 17 : Caustic Embrittlement and Caustic Gouging
Chapter 18 : Hydrogen Embrittlement
Chapter 19 : Condensate Corrosion
Chapter 20 : Preboiler Corrosion
Chapter 21 : Economizer Corrosion
Chapter 22 : Super Heater and Turbine Corrosion
Chapter 23 : Foaming, Priming & Carryover

Part III : Water Quality Requirements and Treatment Programs
Chapter 24 :
Quality Requirements for Feed Water and Boiler Water
Chapter 25 : Objectives of Boiler Water Treatment
Chapter 26 : External Treatment and Internal Treatment
Chapter 27 : Water Treatment Programs : Guidelines

Part IV : External Treatment
Chapter 28 :
External Treatment : A Prelude
Chapter 29 : Coagulation (Removal of Color, Turbidity and Suspended Matter)
Chapter 30 : Filtration
Chapter 31 : Softening by Chemical Method (Lime : Soda Softening)
Chapter 32 : Ion Exchange Resins and Treatment Methods
Chapter 33 : Softening by Ion%u2013Exchange Method
Chapter 34 : Dealkalization
Chapter 35 : Demineralization (Deionization)
Chapter 36 : Mixed Bed Deionization
Chapter 37 : Reverse Osmosis
Chapter 38 : Evaporation
Chapter 39 : Silica Removal
Chapter 40 : Oil Removal
Chapter 41 : Condensate Treatment (Condensate Polishing)
Chapter 42 : Deaeration (Mechanical Removal of Oxygen)

Part V : Internal Treatment
Chapter 43 :
Internal Boiler Water Treatment : A Prelude
Chapter 44 : Organic Polymers and Their Role as Scale Inhibitors, Dispersants and Sludge Conditioners in Boiler Water Treatment
Chapter 45 : Internal Treatment : Chemical Feeding
Chapter 46 : Prevention of Scale Formation
Chapter 47 : Sludge Conditioning
Chapter 48 : Prevention of Corrosion : An Introduction
Chapter 49 : Prevention of Corrosion Due To Low Ph
Chapter 50 : Prevention of Pitting Corrosion Using Oxygen Scavengers (Chemical Removal of Oxygen)
Chapter 51 : Prevention of Caustic Embrittlement and Caustic Gouging
Chapter 52 : Prevention of Chelant Corrosion
Chapter 53 : Prevention of Condensate Corrosion
Chapter 54 : Prevention of Pre%u2013Boiler Corrosion
Chapter 55 : Prevention of Economizer Corrosion
Chapter 56 : Prevention of Foaming, Priming & Carryover
Chapter 57 : Prevention of Silica Carryover
Chapter 58 : Boiler Blow Down

Part VI : Boiler Water Treatment : Important Calculations
Chapter 59
: Basic Conversion Factors
Chapter 60 : Water Softening : Calculations
Chapter 61 : Cycles of Concentration, Blowdown, Feed Water and Makeup Water : Calculations
Chapter 62 : Determination of Dosage of Chemicals

Part VII : Boiler Start Up, Cleaning, Lay Up and Maintenance
Chapter 63 :
Boiler Startup (Pre-Operational Cleaning)
Chapter 64 : Descaling and Boiler Cleaning
Chapter 65 : Boiler Layup
Chapter 66 : Boiler Maintenance

Part VIII : Chemicals Handling, Solution Preparation and Feeders
Chapter 67 :
Chemicals Handling and Storage
Chapter 68 : Preparation of Solutions and Suspensions
Chapter 69 : Chemical Feeders

Part IX: Analysis of Water and Steam
Chapter 70 :
Control Parameters and Testing Schedule
Chapter 71 : Collection of Samples
Chapter 72 : Sampling of Boiler Water
Chapter 73 : Expression of Results
Chapter 74 : Electrical Conductivity
Chapter 75 : Dissolved Solids
Chapter 76 : Ph Value
Chapter 77 : Acidity
Chapter 78 : Free Carbondioxide
Chapter 79 : Equivalent Mineral Acidity
Chapter 80 : Alkalinity
Chapter 81 : Hardness (Total)
Chapter 82 : Calcium
Chapter 83 : Magnesium
Chapter 84 : Sodium
Chapter 85 : Iron (Total)
Chapter 86 : Copper
Chapter 87 : Sulfate
Chapter 88 : Chloride
Chapter 89 : Silica
Chapter 90 : Dissolved Oxygen
Chapter 91 : Oxygen Absorbed (Or) Permanganate Value
Chapter 92 : Oils & Grease
Chapter 93 : Phosphate
Chapter 94 : Sulfite
Chapter 95 : Hydrazine
Chapter 96 : Residual Chelant (Edta)
Chapter 97 : Langelier Saturation Index, Ryznar Stability Index and Puckorius Scaling Index
Chapter 98 : Coagulant Demand (Or) Jar Test
Chapter 99 : Silt Density Index [Sdi] (Or) Fouling Index
Chapter 100 : Measurement of Steam Purity
