R & D Management : Managing Projects & New Products

Title: R & D Management : Managing Projects & New Products
Author: S.A. Bergen
ISBN: 0631174478 / 9780631174479
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 249
Publisher: Blackwell
Year: 1990
Availability: In Stock

Tab Article

R & D Management is written for students and those starting a career in technology based companies who need to understand the marketing, manufacturing, and management skills central to the successful development and exploitation of new products in industry. Many courses in the management of technology, innovation and engineering have lacked a logical and a concise introduction to this area and this revised and expanded second edition builds on the success of the text amongst these groups.
The book focuses on the key relationship of research and development with marketing and manufacturing. The principles presented apply to both product process development in a wide range of industries. Topics covered include product strategy and selection compatible with the corporate plan, including dealing with uncertainty and risk; organising and control of projects; team motivation, communication and structure; quotation and contracts. The new edition adds further thoughts on the R & D/production relationship; creativity in R & D; and idea generation. For both students and the practitioner in the field the author has successfully introduced both formal techniques and principles allied to the human aspects of management. This highly practical approach includes a programme listing for a micro computer game simulating many of the real life aspects of project management.

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List of Figures
List of Tables

Chapter 1 : Introduction
Chapter 2 : Product Strategy
Chapter 3 : Budgets and Accounts
Chapter 4 : Project Selection
Chapter 5 : Uncertainty, Risk and Decision
Chapter 6 : Project Planning
Chapter 7 : The R & D/production Interface
Chapter 8 : R & D/production Relationships
Chapter 9 : Contracts
Chapter 10 : Organization and Control
Chapter 11 : Communication and Structure
Chapter 12 : Computers in R & D
Chapter 13 : Motivating Project Teams
Chapter 14 : Failures and Successes
Chapter 15 : Creativity in R & D
Chapter 16 : Idea Generation
Chapter 17 : Synthetic Case Study
Chapter 18 : Project Management Game
