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Religion and the Environment, (4 Volume Set)

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Title: Religion and the Environment, (4 Volume Set)
Author: Roger S. Gottlieb
ISBN: 0415554519 / 9780415554510
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 1552
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 2010
Availability: 45-60 days
  • Description
  • Contents

In the last two decades a new form of religiously motivated social action and a virtually new field of academic study - each based in recognition of the connections between religion and humanity’s treatment of the environment - have developed. Interactions between religion and environmental concern have been manifest in the explosive growth of ecotheological writings, institutional commitment by organized religions, and environmental activism explicitly oriented to religious ideals. Clergy throughout the world in virtually every denomination have received word from leaders of their religion that the environment - no less than sexuality, poverty, or war and peace - is now a basic and compelling religious matter.

Out of this confrontation have been born vital new theologies based in the recovery of marginalized elements of tradition, profound criticisms of the past, and ecologically oriented visions of God, the Sacred, the Earth, and human beings. Theologians from every religious tradition - along with dozens of non-denominational spiritual writers - have confronted world religions’ past attitudes towards nature. In the realm of institutional commitment, public statements and actions by organized religions have grown dramatically. In the context of political action, throughout the U.S. and the world religiously oriented groups take part in environmentally oriented political action: from lobbying and consciousness raising to activist demonstrations and civil disobedience.

This collection serves as a comprehensive introduction, overview, and in-depth account of these exciting new developments. The four volumes cover virtually every aspect of the field - from theological change and institutional commitment to innovation in liturgy, from new ecumenical connections among different religions and between religion, science and environmental movements, from religious participation in environmental politics to an account of the global social and political contexts in which religious environmentalism has unfolded.

Volume I

Chapter 1 : Religion and The Environment, Routledge Companion to Religion, 2nd edn.
Chapter 2 : Beyond Anthropocentrism’, Sustainability: Economics, Ecology, and Justice
Chapter 3 : EcoTheology and World Religions, Ecospirit: Religions and Philosophies for The Earth
Chapter 4 : Drilling in The CaThedral’, Dialog: A Journal of Theology, 2003
Chapter 5 : Concepts of Torah and Nature in Jewish Thought, Judaism and Ecology: Created World and Revealed World
Chapter 6 : Created in The Image of God: Humanity and Divinity in an Age of Environmentalism’, Conservative Judaism, Fall
Chapter 7 : The End of Nature: Humans and The Natural World in The History of Creation’, Journal of Religion and Society
Chapter 8 : The Sanctification of Nature and Theological Conservatism: A Study of Opposing Religious Correlates of Environmentalism’, Review of Religious Research, 2001
Chapter 9 : The Voice of The Hurricane: Cosmology and a Catholic Theology of Nature, ‘And God Saw That It Was Good’: Catholic Theology and The Environment
Chapter 10 : Losing and Finding Creation in The Christian Tradition, Christianity and Ecology: Seeking The Well-Being of Earth and Humans
Chapter 11 : Behemoth and Batrachians in The Eye of God: Responsibility to OTher Kinds in Biblical Perspective, Christianity and Ecology: Seeking The Well-Being of Earth and Humans
Chapter 12 : The Earth as Sacrament: Insights from Orthodox Christian Theology and Spirituality, Oxford Handbook of Religion and Ecology
Chapter 13 : Is Christianity to Blame?’, For The Beauty of The Earth: A Christian Vision for Creation Care
Chapter 14 : Is Creation The House of God?’, Care For Creation: A Franciscan Spirituality of The Earth
Chapter 15 : The Wounded Spirit as The Basis for Hope in an Age of Radical Ecology, Christianity and Ecology: Seeking The Well-Being of Earth and Humans
Chapter 16 : Conceptualizing Stewardship in Agriculture within The Christian Tradition’, Environmental Ethics, 2003
Chapter 17 : The Ecological Crisis: A Common Responsibility, ‘And God Saw That It Was Good’: Catholic Theology and The Environment
Chapter 18 : What is Happening to our Beautiful Land?’, ‘And God Saw That It Was Good’: Catholic Theology and The Environment

Volume II

Chapter 19 :
Islam and Ecology: Toward Retrieval and Reconstruction, Islam and Ecology: A Bestowed Trust
Chapter 20 : Islamic Law and Environmental Ethics: How Jurisprudence (usul al-faqh) Mobilizes Practical Reform’, Worldviews, 2005
Chapter 21 : slam and Deep Ecology, Deep Ecology and World Religions
Chapter 22 : Islam and Ecology’, Cross Currents, 1994
Chapter 23 : Hindu Traditions and Nature: Survey Article’, Worldviews: Environment, Culture, Religion, 2006
Chapter 24 : Hinduism and Deep Ecology, Deep Ecology and World Religions
Chapter 25 : Bio-divinity and Biodiversity: Perspectives on Religion and Environmental Conservation in India’, Numen, 2004
Chapter 26 : Motifs for a New Confucian Ecological Vision, Oxford Handbook of Religion and Ecology
Chapter 27 : Envisioning The Daoist Body in The Economy of Cosmic Power’, Daedalus, 2001
Chapter 28 : A Reconstructionist Confucian Account of Environmentalism: Toward a Human Sagely Dominion Over Nature’, Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 2005
Chapter 29 : Buddhism and Ecology, Contemporary Buddhist Ethics
Chapter 30 : Satva: Enlightenment for Plants and Trees, Dharma Gaia: A Harvest of Essays in Buddhism and Ecology
Chapter 31 : Sacred Places in The Construction of Indigenous Environmentalism’, EcoTheology
Chapter 32 : Indigenous Americans: Spirituality and Ecos’, Daedalus
Chapter 33 : Transcending The Debate over The Ecologically Noble Indian: Indigenous Peoples and Environmentalism’, Ethnohistory, 2005
Chapter 34 : People of The Corn: Teachings in Hopi Traditional Agriculture, Spirituality, and Sustainability’, American Indian Quarterly
Chapter 35 : The Environmental Views of John Locke and The Maori People of New Zealand’, Environmental Ethics, 2004

Volume III

Chapter 36 : The Church’s Eco-Justice Journey, Eco-Justice: The Unfinished Journey
Chapter 37 : Religion and Environmental Struggles in Latin America, Oxford Handbook of Religion and Ecology
Chapter 38 : The Concept of The Sacred Linked to Biological Resource Management in The Himalayan Culture, Environment Across Cultures
Chapter 39 : Development as if People Mattered’, Seeds of Peace: A Buddhist Vision for Renewing Society
Chapter 40 : A Theoretical Analysis of The Potential Contribution of The Monastic Community in Promoting a Green Society in Thailand, Buddhism and Ecology: The Interconnection of Dharma and Deeds
Chapter 41 : The Ordination of a Tree: The Buddhist Ecology Movement in Thailand’, Ethnology
Chapter 42 : Biodiversity and Sacred Sites: Vernacular Conservation Practices in Northwest Yunnan, China’, Worldviews
Chapter 43 : Taiwan Aboriginal Ecotourism: Tanayiku Natural Ecology Park’, Annals of Tourism Research, 2007
Chapter 44 : African Initiated Churches as Vehicles of Earth: Care in Africa, Oxford Handbook of Religion and Ecolog
Chapter 45 : Sacred Landscapes of Kirinyaga: Indigenous and Early Islamic and Christian Influences, Gold, Sacred Landscapes and Cultural Politics: Planting a Tree
Chapter 46 : The Greening of Islamic Politics: A Godsend for The Environment?, Environmentalism in Turkey: Between Democracy and Development
Chapter 47 : Islam in Malaysia’s Planning and Development Doctrine, Islam and Ecology: A Bestowed Trust
Chapter 48 : Islamic Water Law as an Antidote for Maintaining Water Quality’, University of Denver Water Law Review
Chapter 49 : The Future of Sustainable Diplomacy’, Sustainable Diplomacy: Ecology, Religion and Ethics in Muslim-Christian Relations
Chapter 50 : Sacred Mountains, Religious Paradigms, and Identity among The Mescalero Apache’, Worldviews: Environment, Religion, Culture, 2000
Chapter 51 : Reinhabiting Religion: Green Sisters, Ecological Renewal, and The Biogeography of Religious Landscape’, Worldviews, 2008
Chapter 52 : Of God, Money, and Earth: The Black Church on Economics and Environmental Racism’, Journal of Religious Thought, 2000
Chapter 53 : Nuclear Ecology and Engaged Buddhism, Buddhism and Ecology: The Interconnection of Dharma and Deeds
Chapter 54 : Ethical Issues of Animal Welfare in Jewish Thought, Judaism and Environmental Ethics: A Reader
Chapter 55 : Western Buddhist Motivations for Vegetarianism’, Worldviews, 2005

Volume IV

Chapter 56 : Thinking Globally and Thinking Locally: Ecology, Subsidiarity, and a Multiscalar Environmentalism’, Journal for The Study of Religion, Nature, & Culture, 2008
Chapter 57 : Connecting With Creation: The Convergence of Nature, Religion, Science, and Culture’, Journal for The Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture, 2007
Chapter 58 : Does Creation Equal Nature? Confronting The Christian Confusion about Ecology and Cosmology’, Journal of The American Academy of Religion, 2005
Chapter 59 : Evolving Environmentalism: The Role of EcoTheology in Creation/Evolution Controversies’, Worldviews: Environment, Religion, Culture, 2007
Chapter 60 : The Ecological Model and Christian Spirituality’, Super, Natural Christians
Chapter 61 : Christian Resources and The Ethics of Ecological Justice’, Christian Environmental Ethics: A Case Method Approach
Chapter 62 : Ecofeminism: An Ethics of Life, Ecofeminism and Globalization: Exploring Culture, Context, and Religion
Chapter 63 : Ecofeminist Thea/ologies and Ethics’, Integrating Ecofeminism, Globalization and World Religions
Chapter 64 : Religion, Ecology, and Gender: A Jewish Perspective’, Feminist Theology, 2005
Chapter 65 : Spirit, Commons, and Community’, Sacramental Commons: Christian Ecological Ethics
Chapter 66 : Controlling Consumption: A Role for Christianity?’, Worldviews, 2003
Chapter 67 : Countering The Commodification of Religion’, Consuming Religions: Christian Faith and Culture in a Consumer Culture
Chapter 68 : Buddhist Resources for Issues of Population, Consumption and The Environment, Buddhism and Ecology: The Interconnection of Dharma and Deeds
Chapter 69 : You Gonna Be Here Long? Religion and Sustainability’, Worldviews, 2008
Chapter 70 : Journey into Sacred Space’, Faith in Nature: Environmentalism as Religious Quest
Chapter 71 : Alternative Spirituality and Environmentalism’, Review of Religious Research, 1998
Chapter 72 : God Meets Gaia in Austin, Texas: A Case Study of Environmentalism as Implicit Religion’, Review of Religious Research, 1997
Chapter 73 : For The Beauty of The Earth: Intersections of Worship and Ecology’, Journal of Theology, 2005
Chapter 74 : To Choose Life’, Coming Back to Life: Practices to Connect Our Lives, Our World
Chapter 75 : The Greatest Danger: ApaTheia, The Deadening of Mind and Heart’, Coming Back to Life: Practices to Connect Our Lives, Our World

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