Rotating Machinery Vibration : From Analysis to Troubleshooting, 2nd Edition

Title: Rotating Machinery Vibration : From Analysis to Troubleshooting, 2nd Edition
Author: Maurice L. Adams
ISBN: 1439807175 / 9781439807170
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 476
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2010
Availability: Out of Stock

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Diagnosis and correction are critical tasks for the vibrations engineer. Many causes of rotor vibration are so subtle and pervasive that excessive vibration continues to occur despite the use of usually effective design practices and methods of avoidance.

Rotating Machinery Vibration: From Analysis to Troubleshooting provides a comprehensive, consolidated overview of the fundamentals of rotating machinery vibration and addresses computer model building, sources and types of vibration, and machine vibration signal analysis. This reference is a powerful tool to strengthen vital in-house competency on the subject for professionals in a variety of fields.

After presenting governing fundamental principles and background on modern measurement, computational tools, and troubleshooting methods, the author provides practical instruction and demonstration on how to diagnose vibration problems and formulate solutions. The topic is covered in four sequential sections: Primer on Rotor Vibration, Use of Rotor Dynamic Analyses, Monitoring and Diagnostics, and Troubleshooting Case Studies.

This book includes comprehensive descriptions of vibration symptoms for rotor unbalance, dynamic instability, rotor-stator rubs, misalignment, loose parts, cracked shafts, and rub-induced thermal bows. It is an essential reference for mechanical, chemical, design, manufacturing, materials, aerospace, and reliability engineers. Particularly useful as a reference for specialists in vibration, rotating machinery, and turbomachinery, it also makes an ideal text for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in these disciplines.

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Part I : Primer on Rotor Vibration
Chapter 1 :
Vibration Concepts and Methods
Chapter 2 : One-Degree-of-Freedom Model
Chapter 3 : Multi-DOF Models
Chapter 4 : Modes, Excitation, and Stability of Multi-DOF Models
Chapter 5 : Lateral Rotor Vibration Analysis Models
Chapter 6 : Simple Linear Models
Chapter 7 : Formulations for RDA Software
Chapter 8 : Insights into Linear LRVs
Chapter 9 : Nonlinear Effects in Rotor Dynamical Systems
Chapter 10 : Torsional Rotor Vibration Analysis Models
Chapter 11 : Rotor-Based Spinning Reference Frames
Chapter 12 : Single Uncoupled Rotor
Chapter 13 : Coupled Rotors
Chapter 14 : Semidefinite Systems

Part II : Rotor Dynamic Analyses
Chapter 15 :
RDA Code for Lateral Rotor Vibration Analyses
Chapter 16 : Unbalance Steady-State Response Computations
Chapter 17 : Instability Self-Excited-Vibration Threshold Computations
Chapter 18 : Additional Sample Problems
Chapter 19 : Bearing and Seal Rotor Dynamics
Chapter 20 : Liquid-Lubricated Fluid-Film Journal Bearings
Chapter 21 : Experiments to Measure Dynamic Coefficients
Chapter 22 : Annular Seals
Chapter 23 : Rolling Contact Bearings
Chapter 24 : Squeeze-Film Dampers
Chapter 25 : Magnetic Bearings
Chapter 26 : Compliance Surface Foil Gas Bearings
Chapter 27 : Turbo-Machinery Impeller and Blade Effects
Chapter 28 : Centrifugal Pumps
Chapter 29 : Centrifugal Compressors
Chapter 30 : High-Pressure Steam Turbines and Gas Turbines
Chapter 31 : Axial Flow Compressors

Part III : Monitoring and Diagnostics
Chapter 32 :
Rotor Vibration Measurement and Acquisition
Chapter 33 : Introduction to Monitoring and Diagnostics
Chapter 34 : Measured Vibration Signals and Associated Sensors
Chapter 35 : Vibration Data Acquisition
Chapter 36 : Signal Conditioning
Chapter 37 : Vibration Severity Guidelines
Chapter 38 : Casing and Bearing Cap Vibration Displacement Guidelines
Chapter 39 : Standards, Guidelines, and Acceptance Criteria
Chapter 40 : Shaft Displacement Criteria
Chapter 41 : Signal Analysis and Identification of Vibration Causes
Chapter 42 : Vibration Trending and Baselines
Chapter 43 : FFT Spectrum
Chapter 44 : Rotor Orbit Trajectories
Chapter 45 : Bode, Polar, and Spectrum Cascade Plots
Chapter 46 : Wavelet Analysis Tools
Chapter 47 : Chaos Analysis Tools
Chapter 48 : Symptoms and Identification of Vibration Causes

Part IV : Trouble-Shooting Case Studies
Chapter 49 :
Forced Vibration and Critical Speed Case Studies
Chapter 50 : HP Steam Turbine Passage through First Critical Speed
Chapter 51 : HP–IP Turbine Second Critical Speed through Power Cycling
Chapter 52 : Boiler Feed Pumps: Critical Speeds at Operating Speed
Chapter 53 : Nuclear Feed Water Pump Cyclic Thermal Rotor Bow
Chapter 54 : Power Plant Boiler Circulating Pumps
Chapter 55 : Nuclear Plant Cooling Tower Circulating Pump Resonance
Chapter 56 : Generator Exciter Collector Shaft Critical Speeds
Chapter 57 : Self-Excited Rotor Vibration Case Studies
Chapter 58 : Swirl Brakes Cure Steam Whirl in a 1300 MW Unit
Chapter 59 : Bearing Unloaded by Nozzle Forces Allows Steam Whirl
Chapter 60 : Misalignment Causes Oil Whip/Steam Whirl "Duet"
Chapter 61 : Additional Rotor Vibration Cases and Topics
Chapter 62 : Vertical Rotor Machines
Chapter 63 : Vector Turning from Synchronously Modulated Rubs
Chapter 64 : Air Preheater Drive Structural Resonances
Chapter 65 : Aircraft Auxiliary Power Unit Commutator Vibration-Caused Uneven Wear
Chapter 66 : Impact Tests for Vibration Problem Diagnoses
Chapter 67 : Bearing Looseness Effects
Chapter 68 : Tilting-Pad versus Fixed-Surface Journal Bearings
Chapter 69 : Base-Motion Excitations from Earthquake and Shock
Chapter 70 : Parametric Excitation: Nonaxisymmetric Shaft Stiffness
Chapter 71 : Rotor Balancing
