Securities Technology Handbook

Title: Securities Technology Handbook
Author: Jessica Keyes
ISBN: 0849399912 / 9780849399916
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 608
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 1999
Availability: In Stock

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This desk reference provides IT professionals in the securities industry with information about the latest technologies for improving efficiency and prediction.
Topics include:
o modeling
o management systems
o research
o Internet commerce
o issues affecting all financial services sectors, such as the year 2000 problem
Securities Technology Handbook is geared toward all levels of technology management and financial services management responsible for developing and implementing cutting-edge technology.

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Presents a broad-based introduction with technology overviews
Addresses on-line research and Internet trading
Outlines security and risk management
Examines intranets for securities
Provides an appendix for product resource

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Brave New World for Financial Services
Technology Trendlines: What Can We Expect in the Future?
Financial Services and the Internet
Introduction to E-Commerce
Technology and Productivity
Year 2000 Implications
Year 2000 Solutions
The Coming Crisis in Handling Euromoney.
Technology and Security
Data Mining, Data Warehousing, and Databases
ActiveX or CORBA/JavaBeans
Technology in Securities
Internet Trading
Using Online Resources for Research
Building the Global Trading Floor
State-of-the-Art Trading System Technology
Neural Networks for Financial Forecasting
Technology of the Exchanges
Make or Buy: Portfolio Management, Accounting, and Trading Systems
Guide to Proprietary Information Resources
The Securities Intact
Building a Money Management Systems
Tools for Risk Management
The Delivery of Securities Data Using Internet Technologies
Securities Product Watch