Shock Wave Dynamics : Derivatives and Related Topics

Title: Shock Wave Dynamics : Derivatives and Related Topics
Author: George Emanuel
ISBN: 0367380471 / 9780367380472
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 235
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2019
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks.

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An important reference for professionals and students in Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering as well as in Mechanical Engineering, this book covers general jump conditions; two-dimensional/axisymmetric formulation; derivatives for a two-dimensional/axisymmetric shock with a uniform freestream; derivative applications; vorticity and its substantial derivative; shock wave triple-point morphology; derivatives when the upstream flow is nonuniform; and general derivatives formulation. Aside from derivatives, the book extensively covers shock generated vorticity and it includes a novel analysis of triple points. Both analyses are accompanied with a wide-ranging parametric study.

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Chapter 1 : Introduction
Chapter 2 : General Jump Conditions
Chapter 3 : Two-Dimensional or Axisymmetric Formulation
Chapter 4 : Derivatives for a Two-Dimensional or Axisymmetric Shock with a Uniform Freestream
Chapter 5 : Derivative Applications
Chapter 6 : Vorticity and Its Substantial Derivative
Chapter 7 : Shock Wave Triple-Point Morphology
Chapter 8 : Derivatives When the Upstream Flow Is Nonuniform
Chapter 9 : General Derivative Formulation

Appendix A : Selective Nomenclature
Appendix B : Oblique Shock Wave Angle
Appendix C : Method-of-Characteristics for a Single, First-Order Partial Differential Equation
Appendix D : Orthogonal Basis Derivatives
Appendix E : Conditions on the Downstream Side of a Two-Dimensional or Axisymmetric Shock with a Uniform Freestream
Appendix F : Conditions on the Downstream Side of a Two-Dimensional or Axisymmetric Shock when the Upstream Flow Is Nonuniform
Appendix G : Operator Formulation
Appendix H : General Derivative Formulation
Appendix I : Uniform Freestream Formulation
Appendix J : Elliptic Paraboloid Shock Formulation
Appendix K : Global, Shock-Based Coordinates
Appendix L : Unsteady State 2 Parameters