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Social Capital, (4 Volume Set)

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Title: Social Capital, (4 Volume Set)
Author: Nan Lin
ISBN: 0415407176 / 9780415407175
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 1792
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 2010
Availability: 45-60 days
  • Description
  • Contents

‘Social capital’ is a major conceptual and theoretical idea that has received in the last three decades much attention across many social-science disciplines. In this relatively short period, it has developed into a major research paradigm guiding voluminous research conducted in North America, Europe, Asia, and elsewhere. Theory, measurement, and empirical research continue to grow. At the same time, major components of a theory, systematic research enterprises, and comprehensive applications in diverse substantive areas can now be identified in the literature. This new Routledge Major Work is a four-volume collection edited by a leading scholar who has brought together canonical and the very best cutting-edge research in the field.

Volume I : Foundations: Concepts, Theories, and Measurements

Part 1 : Nature and Theories of Capital
Chapter 1 : Theories of Capital’, Social Capital: A Theory of Social Structure and Action

Part 1.1 : The Classic Theory of Capital: Marx’s Capitalism
Chapter 2 : The General Formula for Capital’, Capital: A New Abridgement, ed. David McLellan

Part 1.2 : Neo-Capital Theories

Human Capital
Chapter 3 : Investment in Human Capital’, American Economic Review, 1961

Cultural Capital
Chapter 4 : Symbolic Violence and Social Reproduction', in Pierre Bourdieu

Part 1.2 : Homophily/Heterophily, Networks, and Embedded Resources
Chapter 5 : Social Capital: Theory and Research

Part 1.2.1 : Principle of Human Interactions: Homophily and Heterophily
Chapter 6 : The Human Group’, The Elements of Behavior
Chapter 7 : Friendship as Social Process: A Substantive and Methodological Analysis

Part 1.2.2 : Formative Conceptualization: Networks and Resources
Chapter 8 : Social Resources and Instrumental Action’, in Peter Marsden and Nan Lin (eds.), Social Structure and Network Analysis
Chapter 9 : The Forms of Capital’, in J. G. Richardson (ed.), Handbook of Theory and Research for The Sociology of Education
Chapter 10 : Social Capital', in Foundations of Social Theory

Part 1.2.3 : Formative Studies
Chapter 11 : The Strength of Weak Ties', American Journal of Sociology
Chapter 12 : Analyzing The Instrumental Use of Relations in The Context of Social Structure’, Sociological Methods and Research, 1978

Part 1.3 : Measurements of Social Capital
Chapter 13 : Introduction to Part 1.3 by Nan Lin and Bonnie Erickson

Part 1.3.1 : Network Features as Precursors
Chapter 14 : Friends of Urban Man: An Assessment of Accuracy in Reporting Their Socioeconomic Attributes, Mutual Choice, and Attitude Agreement’, Sociometry, 1969
Chapter 15 : The Community Question: The Intimate Networks of East Yorkers’, American Journal of Sociology, 1979

Part 1.3.2 : Name Generator
Chapter 16 : Core Discussion Networks of Americans’, American Sociological Review, 1987

Part 1.3.3 : Position Generator
Chapter 17 : Access to Occupations through Social Ties’, Social Networks, 1986
Chapter 18 : Position Generator Measures and Their Relationship to OTher Social Capital Measures, Social Capital: An International Research Program
Chapter 19 : The Position Generator: A Measurement Technique for Investigations of Social Capital, Social Capital: Theory and Research

Volume II : Socioeconomic and Education Attainment and Inequality

Part 2. 1 : Social Capital and Socioeconomic Attainment
Chapter 20 : Social Networks and Status Attainment’, Annual Review of Sociology, 1999

Part 2.1.1 : Contact Status and Job Attainment
Chapter 21 : Social Resources and Strength of Ties: Structural Factors in Occupational Status Attainment’, American Sociological Review, 1981
Chapter 22 : Social Resources and Mobility Outcomes: A Replication and Extension’, Social Forces, 1988
Chapter 23 : With a Little Help from My Friends’, Social Forces, 1988
Chapter 24 : Bringing Strong Ties Back In: Indirect Connection, Bridges, and Job Search in China’, American Sociological Review, 1997
Chapter 25 : Job Search in Urban China: Gender, Network Chains, and Embedded Resources, Creation and Return to Social Capital

Part 2.1.2 : Capacity of Social Capital and Attainment
Chapter 26 : Good Networks and Good Jobs: The Value of Social Capital to Employers and Employees
Chapter 27 : Social, Cultural, and Economic Capital and Job Attainment: The Position Generator as a Measure of Cultural and Economic Resources, Social Capital: An International Research Program
Chapter 28 : Production and Return of Social Capital in Urban China, Contexts of Social Capital: Social Networks in Communities, Markets and Organizations

Part 2.2 : Social Capital and Educational Achievement

Chapter 29 : Introduction to Part 2.2 by Nathan Martin and Nan Lin (new to this collection).
Chapter 30 : Social Capital in The Creation of Human Capital’, American Journal of Sociology, 1988
Chapter 31 : Social Capital and The Reproduction of Inequality: Information Networks among Mexican-Origin High School Students’, Sociology of Education, 1995
Chapter 32 : Parental Networks, Social Closure, and MaThematics Learning: A Test of Coleman’s Social Capital Explanation of School Effects’, American Sociological Review, 1999
Chapter 33 : From School Ties to Social Capital: Class Differences in The Relation between School and Parent Networks’, American Educational Research Journal, 2003

Part 2.3 : Inequality in Social Capital
Chapter 34 : Inequality in Social Capital’, Contemporary Sociology, 2000
Chapter 35 : Women and Weak Ties: Differences by Sex in The Size of Voluntary Organization’, American Journal of Sociology, 1982
Chapter 36 : Structural Determinants of Men’s and Women’s Personal Networks’, American Sociological Review, 1990
Chapter 37 : Social Resources, Job Search, and Poverty in Atlanta’, Research in Community Sociology, 1995
Chapter 38 : Social Isolation of The Urban Poor: Race, Class, and Neighborhood Effects on Social Resources’, Sociological Quarterly, 1998
Chapter 39 : "Don’t Put My Name on It": Social Capital Activation and Job-Finding Assistance Among The Black Urban Poor’, American Journal of Sociology, 2005

Volume III : Economy and Health

Part 3.1 : Social Capital and Economic Activities
Chapter 40 : Introduction to Part 3.1 by Nan Lin (new to this collection).
Chapter 41 : Economic Action and Social Structure: The Problem of Embeddedness’, American Journal of Sociology, 1985
Chapter 42 : Social Stratification and Competition in Interfirm Networks’, Administrative Science Quarterly, 1997
Chapter 43 : The Contingent Value of Social Capital’, Administrative Science Quarterly, 1997
Chapter 44 : Networks as The Pipes and Prisms of The Market’, American Journal of Sociology, 2001
Chapter 45 : Sifting and Sorting: Personal Contacts and Hiring in Retail Bank’, American Sociological Review, 1997
Chapter 46 : The Gender of Social Capital’, Rationality and Society, 1998
Chapter 47 : Recruiting and Deploying Social Capital in Organizations: Theory and Evidence’, Work and Organization in China

Part 3.2 : Social Capital and Health
Chapter 48 : Introduction to Part 3.1 by Lijun Song and Nan Lin (new to this collection).

Part 3.2.1 : Micro-level Analyses
Chapter 49 : Social Networks, Marital Status, and Well-being’, Social Networks, 1993
Chapter 50 : A Prospective Study of Individual-Level Social Capital and Major Depression in The United States’, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 2008
Chapter 51 : Social Capital and Health Inequality: Evidence from Taiwan’, Journal of Health and Social Behavior
Chapter 52 : Measuring Access to Social Capital: The Validity and Reliability of The Resource Generator-UK and its Association with Common Mental Disorder’, Social Science & Medicine, 2007

Part 3.2.2 : Meso- and Macro-Levels Analyses

Chapter 53 : Social Capital and Self-Rated Health: A Contextual Analysis’, American Journal of Public Health, 1999
Chapter 54 : Social Capital, Life Expectancy and Mortality: A Cross-National Examination’, Social Science & Medicine, 2003
Chapter 55 : Social Capital and Neighborhood Mortality Rates in Chicago’, Social Science & Medicine, 2003

Part 3.2.3 : Multi-Level Analyses
Chapter 56 : Social Capital: An Individual or Collective Resource for Health?’, Social Science & Medicine, 2006

Volume IV : Civic Engagement, Development, and Current Issues

Part 4.1 : Social Capital and Civic Engagement

Chapter 57 : Introduction to Part 4.1 by Joon-Mo Son and Nan Lin (new to this collection).
Chapter 58 : Thinking about Social Change in America’, Bowling Alone
Chapter 59 : Is Social Capital Declining in The United States? A Multiple Indicator Assessment’, American Journal of Sociology, 1999
Chapter 60 : Civil Society Reconsidered: The Durable Nature and Community Structure of Collective Civic Action’, American Journal of Sociology, 2005
Chapter 61 : Social Networks of Participants in Voluntary Associations’, in N. Lin and B. Erickson (eds.), Social Capital: An International Research Program

Part 4.2 : Social Capital and Development

Chapter 62 : Introduction to Part 4.2 by Joon-Mo Son and Nan Lin (new to this collection).
Chapter 63 : Government Action, Social Capital and Development: Reviewing The Evidence on Synergy’, World Development, 1996
Chapter 64 : Social Capital and Economic Development: Toward a Theoretical SynThesis and Policy Framework’, Theory and Society, 1998
Chapter 65 : Economic Growth and Social Capital’, Political Studies, 2000
Chapter 66 : Social Capital and Local Development’, European Journal of Social Theory, 2001

Part 4.3 : Current Issues
Chapter 67 : Introduction to Part 4.3 by Nan Lin (new to this collection).

Part 4.3.1 : The Invisible Hand of Social Capital
Chapter 68 : When Does Social Capital Matter? Non-Searching for Jobs Across The Life Course’, Social Forces, 2006
Chapter 69 : The Invisible Hand of Social Capital: An Exploratory Study, Social Capital: An International Research Program

Part 4.3.2 : Social Capital and Trust
Chapter 70 : Networks, Norms, and Trust: The Social Psychology of Social Trust’, Social Psychology Quarterly, 2005

Part 4.3.3 : Social Capital: Bridging The Micro-Macro Gap
Chapter 71 : Socio-Economic Payoffs of Voluntary Association Involvement: A Dutch Life Course Study’, European Sociological Review
Chapter 72 : Social Capital and Civic Action: A Network-Based Approach’, Social Science Research, 2008

Part 4.3.4 : Social Capital in The Web
Chapter 73 : Does The Internet Increase, Decrease, or Supplement Social Capital? Social Networks, Participation, and Community Commitment’, American Behavioral Scientist, 2001
Chapter 74 : Cybernetworks and The Global Village’, Social Capital: A Theory of Social Structure and Action

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