Soils and Groundwater Pollution Remediation : Asia, Africa, and Oceania

Title: Soils and Groundwater Pollution Remediation : Asia, Africa, and Oceania
Author: I.K. Iskandar, P. M Huang
ISBN: 1566704529 / 9781566704526
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 400
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2000
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks

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The increasing population densities of Asia, Africa and Oceania are in conflict with the ecosystem. A growing demand for food and fiber causes agriculture to rely heavily upon chemical fertilization, herbicides and pesticides. Rising industrial output creates higher contamination from cadmium, lead, selenium, and other metals.
Soils and Groundwater Remediation explores the toxic levels of metals, radionuclides, inorganics, and anthropogenic organic compounds found in the soils and groundwater of Asia, Africa and Oceania. This 14 chapter book reviews the distribution, transformation, and dynamics of the pollutants. The authors also reflect on the impact of Acid-rain.
The contributors to this book are well-known scientists from Japan, China, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Australia, and Kenya. The authors address their findings to researchers, educators, government regulators, and students.
As the title suggests, the book is ultimately concerned with remediation. Huang and Iskandar feel "the potential for restoring ecosystem health ... in these areas is enormous." The contributions of Soils and Groundwater Remediation will bring science closer to achieving that possibility.

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Considers issues of population growth and density as both a cause and a concern.
Discusses toxic levels of metals, radionuclides, inorganics, and anthropogenic organic compounds.
Recommends remediation strategies.

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Chapter 1 : Environmental Impacts of Heavy Metals in Agroecosystems and Amelioration Strategies in Oceania
Chapter 2 : Environmental Concerns of Pesticides in Soil and Groundwater and Management Strategies in Oceania
Chapter 3 : Metal Pollution of Soil and Groundwater and Remediation Strategies in Japan
Chapter 4 : Impact of Radionuclides on Soil, Groundwater and Crops and Radionuclide Cleanup in Japan
Chapter 5 : Effect of Other Anthropogenic Organic Compounds on the Quality of Soil and Groundwater and Remediation Strategies in Japan
Chapter 6 : Heavy Metal Pollution in Soils and Its Remedial Measures and Restoration in China
Chapter 7 : Environmental Impacts of Metal and Other Inorganics on Soil and Groundwater in China
Chapter 8 : Environmental Problems in Soil and Groundwater Induced by Acid Rain and Management Strategies in China
Chapter 9 : Dynamics, Fate, and Toxicity of Pesticides in Soil and Groundwater and Remediation Strategies in Mainland China
Chapter 10 : Perspectives of Environmental Pollution in Densely Populated Areas: The Case of Hong Kong
Chapter 11 : Environmental Impacts and Management Strategies of Trace Metals in Soil and Groundwater in the Republic of Korea
Chapter 12 : Transport, Residues, and Toxicological Problems of Agrochemicals in Agroecosystems and a Remediation Plan in the Republic of Korea
Chapter 13 : Toxic Metals and Agrochemicals in Soils in Malaysia: Current Problem and Mitigation Plans
Chapter 14 : Status of Cadmium, Lead, and Selenium in the Soils of Selected African Countries and Perspectives on Their Effects on Human and Environmental Health