Standards, Conformity Assessment, and Accreditation for Engineers

Title: Standards, Conformity Assessment, and Accreditation for Engineers
Author: Robert D Hunter
ISBN: 1439800944 / 9781439800942
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 232
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2009
Availability: In Stock

Tab Article

Standards, Conformity Assessment, and Accreditation for Engineers discusses conformity assessment and accreditation as defined in a new set of standards by the International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC). Written by a licensed professional engineer with more than 25 years of experience, the book brings together material specific to international, regional, national, state, and company levels.The author begins with the terms and definitions of ISO/IEC Guide 2 and ISO/IEC 17000, along with commentary from a US perspective. He reviews the development of standards, the differences between accreditation and certification, and the main international standards organizations. He also presents regional standards, such as those of the European Union; national standards and conformity assessment in the United States, Canada, Japan, and Germany; and the provincial standards and conformity assessment mechanisms of states and provinces. The book provides an engineering perspective on legal issues, such as ASME v. Hydrolevel Corp.; examines the role of government in standards, conformity assessment, and accreditation; and explores standardization at the company level.Providing the tools to easily understand and comply with new standards, this accessible resource not only addresses the technical areas of standardization, but also the legal, economic, management, and education aspects. It covers required vocabulary and gathers references from the substantial yet scattered literature on standards.

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List of Figures
List of Tables
The Author

Chapter 1 : ISO/IEC Guide 2 Standardization and Related Activities—General Vocabulary
Chapter 2 : ISO/IEC 17000 Conformity Assessment—Vocabulary and General Principles
Chapter 3 : Standards
Chapter 4 : Standards Development
Chapter 5 : Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs)—ISO/IEC 17011
Chapter 6 : International Standards, Conformity Assessment, and Accreditation
Chapter 7 : Regional Standards and Conformity Assessment
Chapter 8 : National Standards, Conformity Assessment, and Accreditation Bodies
Chapter 9 : Provincial (State) and Local Standards and Conformity Assessment
Chapter 10 : Legal Issues in Standards and Conformity Assessment
Chapter 11 : Federal Roles in Standards, Conformity Assessment, and Accreditation
Chapter 12 : Management Aspects of Standards, Conformity Assessment, and Accreditation
