Statistical Thermodynamics : Understanding the Properties of Macroscopic Systems

Title: Statistical Thermodynamics : Understanding the Properties of Macroscopic Systems
Author: Gary Matthew Wysin, Lukong Cornelius Fai
ISBN: 1466510676 / 9781466510678
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 548
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2013
Availability: Out of Stock
Special Indian Edition.

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Statistical thermodynamics and the related domains of statistical physics and quantum mechanics are very important in many fields of research, including plasmas, rarefied gas dynamics, nuclear systems, lasers, semiconductors, superconductivity, ortho- and para-hydrogen, liquid helium, and so on. Statistical Thermodynamics: Understanding the Properties of Macroscopic Systems provides a detailed overview of how to apply statistical principles to obtain the physical and thermodynamic properties of macroscopic systems.

Intended for physics, chemistry, and other science students at the graduate level, the book starts with fundamental principles of statistical physics, before diving into thermodynamics. Going further than many advanced textbooks, it includes Bose-Einstein, Fermi-Dirac statistics, and Lattice dynamics as well as applications in polaron theory, electronic gas in a magnetic field, thermodynamics of dielectrics, and magnetic materials in a magnetic field. The book concludes with an examination of statistical thermodynamics using functional integration and Feynman path integrals, and includes a wide range of problems with solutions that explain the theory.

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Chapter 1 : Basic Principles of Statistical Physics
Chapter 2 : Thermodynamic Functions
Chapter 3 : Canonical Distribution
Chapter 4 : Ideal Gases
Chapter 5 : Quantum Statistics of Ideal Gases
Chapter 6 : The Electron Gas in a Magnetic Field
Chapter 7 : Magnetic and Dielectric Materials
Chapter 8 : Lattice Dynamics
Chapter 9 : Condensed Bodies
Chapter 10 : Applications of Statistical Thermodynamics
Chapter 11 : Macroscopic Quantum Effects: Superfluid Liquid Helium
Chapter 12 : Nonideal Classical Gases
Chapter 13 : Functional Integration in Statistical Physics
