Supply Chain for Liquids : Out of the Box Approaches to Liquid Logistics

Title: Supply Chain for Liquids : Out of the Box Approaches to Liquid Logistics
Author: Wally Klatch
ISBN: 0849328535 / 9780849328534
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 480
Publisher: Auerbach
Year: 2012
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks

Tab Article

Supply Chain for Liquids : Out of the Box Approaches to Liquid Logistics provides a thorough analysis of liquid logistics, a crucial but often overlooked business issue. It covers a broad range of topics including the business, operational, and technical aspects of the Supply Chain for Liquids model, allowing readers to leverage the inherent properties of liquids toward business success. This volume details an approach that is justified based on both business and social/environmental value, offering a groundbreaking "how-to" guide for revolutionizing logistical operations and increasing competitive advantage. It challenges traditional thinking, enabling businesses to identify new ways to maximize efficiency and profit.

Tab Article


Chapter 1 : Current Liquid-Logistics Techniques
Chapter 2 : Upstream/Source Liquid Practices
Chapter 3 : Business-to-Business Practices
Chapter 4 : Business-to-Consumer Practices
Chapter 5 : Process-Engineering Practices
Chapter 6 : Summary of Lessons Learned from Current Liquid-Logistics
Chapter 7 : Techniques
Chapter 8 : Supply Chain and Supply Chain for Liquids
Chapter 9 : Definitions and Terminology
Chapter 10 : Key Drivers of Supply Chain versus Supply Chain for Liquids
Chapter 11 : Why Supply Chain for Liquids?
Chapter 12 : Supply Chain for Liquids and Process Industries
Chapter 13 : The Liquid Lens
Chapter 14 : Logistics Characteristics of Liquid Products
Chapter 15 : All Parts of the System Work Together
Chapter 16 : Finding New Opportunities through the Liquid Lens
Chapter 17 : Wider Impact of Supply Chain for Liquids
Chapter 18 : Potential Leaks in a Supply Chain for Liquids System
Chapter 19 : Simplify - Snatch Simplicity from the Jaws of Complexity
Chapter 20 : Liquids : A Primer
Chapter 21 : Industry and Product Applications of Supply Chain for Liquids
Chapter 22 : Industry Applications
Chapter 23 : B2C (Business to Consumer) Applications
Chapter 24 : Nonliquid Applications of Supply Chain for Liquids
Chapter 25 : Cross-Fertilizing Supply Chain for Liquids Applications
Chapter 26 : Operational Configurations of Supply Chain and
Chapter 27 : Supply Chain for Liquids
Chapter 28 : Supply Chain
Chapter 29 : Adapted Supply Chain
Chapter 30 : Supply Chain for Liquids
Chapter 31 : Optimal Supply Chain for Liquids
Chapter 32 : Case Study : Worldwide Liquids
Chapter 33 : Producer Activities and the Supply Chain for Liquids
Chapter 34 : Packaging
Chapter 35 : Product Demand Visibility
Chapter 36 : Customer Behavior Visibility
Chapter 37 : Efficiencies in the Production Process
Chapter 38 : Additional Producer Benefits
Chapter 39 : Protecting Your Position
Chapter 40 : Participatory CRM and the Voice of the Customer
Chapter 41 : Product Security
Chapter 42 : The Process Defines the Product
Chapter 43 : Distribution
Chapter 44 : Mini-Tank Storage System at the Distribution Center
Chapter 45 : Tank System on the Truck
Chapter 46 : Distribution Planning and Execution
Chapter 47 : Information System
Chapter 48 : Extended-Distance/Extended-Complexity Supply Chain for Liquids
Chapter 49 : European/Asian Supply Chain for Liquids Issues
Chapter 50 : Additional Distributor Operational Issues
Chapter 51 : Customer/User
Chapter 52 : Business Perspective
Chapter 53 : Technical Perspective
Chapter 54 : A Supply Chain for Liquids World
Chapter 55 : Supply Chain for Liquids as an Internet-Purchasing Enabler
Chapter 56 : Special Operational Considerations of Supply Chain for Liquids
Chapter 57 : Batch Control
Chapter 58 : Pressurization and Gas Blankets
Chapter 59 : Reverse Flow/Reverse Logistics
Chapter 60 : Liquid Seeding
Chapter 61 : Cleaning Methods and Systems
Chapter 62 : Managing the Supply Chain for Liquids
Chapter 63 : Designing the Supply Chain for Liquids
Chapter 64 : Implementing/Transitioning to Supply Chain for Liquids
Chapter 65 : Maintaining a Supply Chain for Liquids System
Chapter 66 : A Day in the Life of a Supply Chain for Liquids Company
Chapter 67 : RFID for Liquids
Chapter 68 : CPVR
Chapter 69 : Complementary Supply Chains/Complementary Supply Chains for Liquids
Chapter 70 : Points of Integration - Supply Chain for Liquids and ERP Systems
Chapter 71 : Outsourcing Supply Chain for Liquids Functionality
Chapter 72 : Obstructions to Supply Chain for Liquids Implementation
Chapter 73 : Business Benefits of Supply Chain for Liquids
Chapter 74 : Marketing/Strategy
Chapter 75 : Financial/Cost Savings
Chapter 76 : Environment
Chapter 77 : Achieving OSCFL Status
Chapter 78 : Supply Chain for Liquids Metrics
Chapter 79 : Supply Chain for Liquids Society
Chapter 80 : Supply Chain for Liquids for Discrete Products
