Surfactants in Tribology, (2 Volume Set)

Title: Surfactants in Tribology, (2 Volume Set)
Author: Girma Biresaw, K.L. Mittal
ISBN: 1439840903 / 9781439840900
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 960
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2011
Availability: Out of Stock

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Surfactants play a critical role in tribology as they control friction, wear, and lubricant properties such as emulsification, demulsification, bioresistance, oxidation resistance, rust prevention, and corrosion resistance. The use of surfactants in tribology is a critical topic for scientists and engineers who are developing new materials and devices, in particular those built at the nanoscale. Edited by a well-known and respected leader in the field, this two-volume set features renowned international contributors who review the latest advances in the tribological aspects of microdevices and nanodevices, including MEMS, NEMS, biosurfactants, biolubricants, and bioemulsions.

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Part I : Films, Membranes and Self-assembled Monolayers : Relevance to Tribological Behavior
Chapter 1 :
Tribological Properties of Self-assembled Monolayers
Chapter 2 : Nano-tribological Properties of Aromatic and Polyaromatic Thiol Self-assembled Monolayers
Chapter 3 : Friction of Graphite against Silane-functionalized Silicon Wafers
Chapter 4 : Frictional Properties of Physisorbed Layers of Self-organized Molecules at Solid-Liquid Interface
Chapter 5 : Temperature Dependence of Molecular Packing in Self-assembled Monolayer Films
Chapter 6 : Mechanical Properties of Phospholipid-Based Biolubricant Films and Membranes

Part II : Emulsions and Aqueous Systems : Relevance to Tribological Phenomena
Chapter 7 :
Influence of Surfactants on Wetting and Colloidal Processes of Lubricant Emulsions on Metal Surfaces
Chapter 8 : Surfactant Effects on Bio-based Emulsions Used as Lubrication Fluids
Chapter 9 : Hydrolyzed Fatty Oil Surfactants as Friction Modifiers at W/O Emulsion Interface
Chapter 10 : Antiwear and Antiseizure Properties of Aqueous Solutions of Alkyl Polyglucosides
Chapter 11 : Formulation Effects on the Lubricity of W/O Emulsions Used as Oil Well Drilling Fluids

Part III : Biobased Lubricants
Chapter 12 :
Estolides—Biobased Lubricants
Chapter 13 : Development and Tribological Behavior of Advanced Bio-based Lubricants
Chapter 14 : Characterization of Surface Active Materials Derived from Farm Products
Chapter 15 : Chemically Modified Fatty Acid Methyl Esters : Their Potential Use as Lubrication
Chapter 16 : Fluids and Surfactants
Chapter 17 : Vaporization and Carbonization Tendency of Vegetable Oils as a Function of Chemical
Chapter 18 : Composition : Morphology of Carbon Deposits on Steel Surfaces at Elevated Temperature

Part IV : General Topics and Applications
Chapter 19 :
Surface Chemistry at the Tribological Interface
Chapter 20 : The Role of Surface Science in Magnetic Recording Tribology
Chapter 21 : Improving Organic Anti-wear and Friction Modifier Compounds for Automotive Applications
Chapter 22 : Antimicrobial-Surface Activity Relationship of Novel Di-schiff Base Cationic Gemini Amphiphiles Bearing Homogeneous Hydrophobes
