TV White Space Spectrum Technologies : Regulations, Standards, and Applications

Title: TV White Space Spectrum Technologies : Regulations, Standards, and Applications
Author: Rashid A. Saeed, Stephen J. Shellhammer
ISBN: 1138116572 / 9781138116573
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 512
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2017
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks

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Although sophisticated wireless radio technologies make it possible for unlicensed wireless devices to take advantage of un-used broadcast TV spectra, those looking to advance the field have lacked a book that covers cognitive radio in TV white spaces (TVWS). Filling this need, TV White Space Spectrum Technologies: Regulations, Standards and Applications explains how white space technology can be used to enable the additional spectrum access that is so badly needed.

Providing a comprehensive overview and analysis of the topics related to TVWS, this forward-looking reference contains contributions from key industry players, standards developers, and researchers from around the world in TV white space, dynamic spectrum access, and cognitive radio fields. It supplies an extensive survey of new technologies, applications, regulations, and open research areas in TVWS. The book is organized in four parts:

  • Regulations and Profiles - Covers regulations, spectrum policies, channelization, and system requirements
  • Standards - Examines TVWS standards efforts in different standard - developing organizations, with emphasis on the IEEE 802.22 wireless network standard
  • Coexistence - Presents coexistence techniques between all potential TVWS standards, technologies, devices, and service providers, with emphasis on the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) recent regulations and policies, and IEEE 802.19 coexistence study group efforts
  • Important Aspects - Considers spectrum allocation, use cases, and security issues in the TVWS network

This complete reference includes coverage of system requirements, collaborative sensing, spectrum sharing, privacy, and interoperability. Suggesting a number of applications that can be deployed to provide new services to users, including broadband Internet applications, the book highlights potential business opportunities and addresses the deployment challenges that are likely to arise.

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Part I : Regulations and Profiles
Chapter 1 : TV White Space Regulations
Chapter 2 : Projecting Regulatory Requirements for TV White Space Devices
Chapter 3 : TVWS System Requirements
Chapter 4 : White Space Availability in the United States
Chapter 5 : TV White Spaces in Europe

Part II : Standards
Chapter 6 : Standardization Activities Related to TV White Space : PHY /MAC Standards
Chapter 7 : Standardization Activities Related to TV White Space : Coexistence and Dynamic Spectrum Access Standards
Chapter 8 : System Level Analysis of OFDMA -Based Networks in TV White Spaces : IEEE 802.22 Case Study
Chapter 9 : Inter-Network Spectrum Sharing and Communications in Cognitive Radio Networks Using On-Demand Spectrum Contention and Beacon Period Framing

Part III : Coexistence
Chapter 10 : Spectrum Sensing in TV White Space
Chapter 11 : Distributed Spectrum Sensing
Chapter 12 : Leveraging Sensing and Geo-Location Database in TVWS Incumbent Protection

Part IV : Other Aspects
Chapter 13 : Elements of Efficient TV White Space Allocation Part I : Acquisition Principles
Chapter 14 : Elements of Efficient TV White Space Allocation Part II : Business Models
Chapter 15 : TV White Space Use Cases
Chapter 16 : TV White Space Privacy and Security