The Future of International Construction

Title: The Future of International Construction
Author: David Crosthwaite, Ranko Bon
ISBN: 0727727494 / 9780727727497
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 150
Publisher: Thomas Telford
Year: 2000
Availability: Out of Stock

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What is the relationship between construction activity and economic development? Are they positively or negatively related, or is the relationship more complex? Does the role of construction change significantly as economic development proceeds from less developed country status? This new book begins with a brief background and history to international construction activity and moves on to disseminate and discuss the findings of the European Construction Economics Research Unit (ECERU) surveys. By examining three horizons: 25 years, 5 years and 12 months, predictions are made for short and medium-term developments and where possible, a comparison is made between the survey predictions and the actual outcomes.

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Chapter 1 : Introduction
Chapter 2 : Conceptual Framework
Chapter 3 : The International Consturction Market
Chapter 4 : The Future of International Construction - The Annual Surveys
