The Hadith : Articulating The Beliefs and Constructs of Classical Islam, (4 Volume Set)

Title: The Hadith : Articulating The Beliefs and Constructs of Classical Islam, (4 Volume Set)
Author: Mustafa Shah
ISBN: 0415473985 / 9780415473989
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 1704
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 2009
Availability: 45-60 days

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The Prophetic traditions of Islam, which are commonly referred to as the hadiths (literally: ‘reports’), preserve the sum and substance of the utterances, deeds, directives, and descriptive anecdotes connected with the life of the Prophet Muhammad and his Companions. Together with the Qur’an, the hadiths provide the religion of Islam with its principal scriptural sources.

The collection features an accessible and informative introduction which presents an outline of the significance of the hadiths within the religious tradition while also reviewing classical scholarship devoted to the literature of the traditions; moreover, the introduction decisively sets into context the academic debates and arguments which are fleshed out in the articles selected. It also charts developments in the academic study of hadiths, summing up the current state of the field and features a detailed bibliography listing primary classical sources germane to the field of Prophetic traditions together with recent research monographs and articles devoted to the subject.

This Major Work provides an authoritative collection of the seminal research articles produced by western academic scholarship on the subject of the hadith over the past century, including recent papers on the subject. In bringing together the finest examples of scholarship devoted to the hadith and the classical literature that surrounds it, these volumes provide an indispensable reference resource for academics, research institutions, governmental organizations, and those with a general interest in Arabic and Islamic Studies, Religious Studies, Arabic Cultural Studies, and Middle East History.

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Volume I : Hadith : Codification, AuThenticity

Chapter 1 : Hadith and Sunna, Muslim Studies, Vol : 2
Chapter 2 : Early Development of Written Tradition’, Studies in Arabic Literary Papyri II : Qur’anic Commentary and Tradition
Chapter 3 : Oral Torah and Hadith : Transmission, Prohibition of Writing, Redaction’, The Oral and The Written in Early Islam, trans : Uwe Vagelpohl
Chapter 4 : The Opponents of The Writing of Tradition in Early Islam’, Arabica
Chapter 5 : Lataqraul-Qurana ala mushafiyyin wa-la tahmilu l-ilma ani l-sahafiyyin : Some Notes on The Transmission of Hadith’, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam
Chapter 6 : The Epistemological Problem of Writing in Islamic Civilization : Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi’s (d : 463/1071) Taqyid al-ilm’, Studia Islamica
Chapter 7 : The Author and his Work in The Islamic Literature of The First Centuries : The Case of Abd al-Razzaq’s Musannaf’, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam
Chapter 8 : Muslim Tradition : The Question of AuThenticity’, Memoires and Proceedings of The Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society
Chapter 9 : The AuThenticity of Prophetic Hadith : A Pseudo-Problem’, Studia Islamica
Chapter 10 : Competing Paradigms in The Study of Islamic Origins : Qur’an 15 : 89–91 and The Value of Isnads’, Method and Theory in The Study of Islamic Origins
Chapter 11 : Notes Towards a Fresh Perspective on The Islamic Sunna’, Bulletin of The British Society for Middle Eastern Studies

Volume II : Isnads : Transmission, Terminology, and The Issue of Dating

Chapter 12 :
The Evidence of Isnads’, The Origins of Muhammadan Jurisprudence, 2nd edn :
Chapter 13 : The Isnad in Muslim Tradition’, Transactions of The Glasgow University Oriental Society
Chapter 14 : The Date of The Great Fitna’, Arabica
Chapter 15 : Dating Muslim Traditions : A Survey’, Arabica
Chapter 16 : Eschatology and The Dating of Traditions’, Princeton Papers in Near Eastern Studies
Chapter 17 : Eschatology, History, and The Common Link’, Method and Theory in The Study of Islamic Origins
Chapter 18 : The Isnad System : Its Validity and AuThenticity’, On Schacht’s Origins of Muhammadan Jurisprudence
Chapter 19 : Nafi, The Mawla of Ibn Umar, and his Position in Muslim Hadith Literature’, Der Islam
Chapter 20 : (Re)appraisal of Some Technical Terms in Hadith Science’, Islamic Law and Society
Chapter 21 : The Common Link and its Relation to The Madar’, Islamic Law and Society
Chapter 22 : Some Aspects of The Islamic Traditions Regarding The Site of The Grave of Moses’, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam
Chapter 23 : Critical Rigor vs : Juridical Pragmatism : How Legal Theorists and Hadith Scholars Approached The Backgrowth of Isnads in The Genre of ilal al-hadith’, Islamic Law and Society
Chapter 24 : Varieties of The Hasan Tradition’, Journal of Semitic Studies
Chapter 25 : Traditions from Individuals’, Journal of Semitic Studies
Chapter 26 : Ibn al-Salah al-Shahrazuri and The Isnad’, Journal of The American Oriental Society
Chapter 27 : The Categories High and Low as Reflections on The Rihlah and Kitaba in Islam’, Der Islam
Chapter 28 : Isnads and Rijal Expertise in The Exegesis of Ibn Abi Hatim (327/939)’, Der Islam

Volume III : Hadith : Scholarship, Perspectives, and Criticism

Chapter 29 :
The Musannaf of Abd al-Razzaq al-Sanani as a Source of AuThentic Hadith of The First Century’, Journal of Near Eastern Studies
Chapter 30 : The Musnad of Ahmad ibn Hanbal : How it was Composed and What Distinguishes it From The Six Books’, Der Islam
Chapter 31 : Where are The Legal Hadith? A Study of The Musannaf of Ibn Abi Shayba’, Islamic Law and Society
Chapter 32 : Hadith in The Responses of Ishaq ibn Rahawayi’, Islamic Law and Society
Chapter 33 : Bukhari and Early Hadith Criticism’, Journal of The American Oriental Society
Chapter 34 : The Life and Works of Abu Dawud al-Sijistani’, Al-Qantara
Chapter 35 : Criticism of The Proto-Hadith Canon : Al-Daraqutni’s Adjustment of The Sahihayn’, Journal of Islamic Studies
Chapter 36 : How We Know Early Hadith Critics Did Matn Criticism and Why It’s So Hard to Find’, Islamic Law & Society
Chapter 37 : The Contribution of The Mawali to The Six Sunnite Canonical Collections, Ideas, Images, and Methods of Portrayal : Insights into Classical Arabic Literature and Islam
Chapter 38 : The Introduction of Hadith in al-Andalus (2nd/8th–3rd/9th Centuries)’, Der Islam
Chapter 39 : The Piety of The Hadith Folk’, International Journal of Middle East Studies
Chapter 40 : The Alam al-Hadith of al-Khattabi : A Commentary on al-Bukhari’s Sahih or a Polemical Treatise’, Studia Islamica
Chapter 41 : Al-Usul al-arbaumia’, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam
Chapter 42 : On The Origins of Shii Hadith’, Muslim World
Chapter 43 : An Insight into Hadith Methodology of Jamal al-Din Tawus’, Der Islam
Chapter 44 : Ibadi Hadith : an Essay on Normalization’, Der Islam
Chapter 45 : Portrayal of The Hajj as a Context for Women’s Exegesis : Textual Evidence in al-Bukhari’s al-Sahih, Ideas, Images, and Methods of Portrayal : Insights into Classical Arabic Literature and Islam
Chapter 46 : Women and Hadith Transmission : Two Case Studies from Mamluk Damascus’, Studia Islamica
Chapter 47 : The Scholars of Hadith and The Retentive Memory’, Cahiers d’Onomastique Arabe
Chapter 48 : Ibn Hajar’s Hady al-Sari : A Medieval Interpretation of The Structure of al-Bukhari’s Al-Jami al-Sahih : Introduction and Translation’, Journal of Near Eastern Studies

Volume IV : HadIth : Narrative, Context, and Content

Chapter 49 :
Hard-Boiled Narrative Discourse in Early Muslim Traditions’, Studia Islamica
Chapter 50 : Modern Literary Theory Applied to Classical Arabic Texts : Hadith Revisited, Understanding Near Eastern Literatures
Chapter 51 : Fictional Narration and Imagination within an Authoritative Framework : Towards a New Understanding of Hadith, Story-Telling in The Framework of Non-fictional Arabic Literature
Chapter 52 : Oral Traditions of The Prophet Muhammad : A Formulaic Approach’, Oral Tradition
Chapter 53 : Man’s "Hollow Core" : Ethics and AesThetics in Hadith Literature and Classical Arabic Adab’, Bulletin of The School of Oriental and African Studies
Chapter 54 : A Look at Variant Readings in The Hadith’, Der Islam
Chapter 55 : Dreams as a Means to Evaluate Hadith’, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam
Chapter 56 : "Even an Ethiopian Slave" : The Transformation of a Sunni Tradition’, Bulletin of The School of Oriental and African Studies
Chapter 57 : On Concessions and Conduct : a Study in Early Hadith’, Studies on The First Century of Islamic Society
Chapter 58 : The MoThers of The Believers in The Hadith’, Muslim World
Chapter 59 : Varieties of Pronouncement Stories in Sahih Muslim : A Gospel Genre in The Hadith Literature’, Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations
Chapter 60 : An Early Muslim Tradition in Light of its Christian Environment’, Edebiyat
Chapter 61 : Knowledge, Women, and Gender in The Hadith : A Feminist Interpretation’, Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations