The History of Higher Education, (5 Volume Set)

Title: The History of Higher Education, (5 Volume Set)
Author: Roy Lowe
ISBN: 0415378540 / 9780415378543
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 2212
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 2008
Availability: 45-60 days

Tab Article

This new Major Work is a five-volume collection in Routledge’s Major Themes in Education series. It charts the history and development of higher education. Encompassing the period since 1760, the principal focus is on the late-eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, although more recent developments are also addressed.

The rise and development of universities and of higher education in Britain provides the central theme of the collection and is used as a model for developments elsewhere in the English-speaking world. Particular attention is paid to the United States and the British Empire, but some material on other European countries and on the rise of higher education in countries such as Japan and China has also been included. Thus, at the core of this collection is the dissemination of a university ideal around the globe and its particular implications and interpretation in specific societies and locations.

Tab Article

Volume I

Chapter 1 : History of Islamic Origins of Western Education, 800–1350
Chapter 2 : The African Experience with Higher Education
Chapter 3 : Abelard and the Origin and Early History of Universities (AMS Press, 1969)
Chapter 4 : The Medieval Universities : Their Development and Organisation
Chapter 5 : The Universities of the Italian Renaissance
Chapter 6 : The Universities
Chapter 7 : Universities  : American, English, German
Chapter 8 : Jefferson and Education
Chapter 9 : Gentlemen and Scholars  : College and Community in the ‘Age of the University’, 1865–1917
Chapter 10 : Universities in the USA  : Secondary School Characteristics
Chapter 11 : The Revival of the Democratic Intellect  : Scotland’s University Traditions and the Crisis in Modern Thought
Chapter 12 : Academe and Empire  : Some Overseas Connections of Aberdeen University, 1860–1970
Chapter 13 : Universities and Elites in Britain Since 1800
Chapter 14 : The Development of Higher Education in the United Kingdom  : The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Chapter 15 : Education and Middle-Class Society in Imperial Austria, 1848–1918
Chapter 16 : Higher Education in Poland
Chapter 17 : European Rectors and Vice-Chancellors in Conference
Chapter 18 : Higher Education in the British Colonies
Chapter 19 : The Changing Political Economy  : The Private and Public Lives of Canadian Universities’, in Jan Currie and Janice Newton (eds.), Universities and Globalisation : Critical Perspectives
Chapter 20 : The Universities of Australia
Chapter 21 : The African University in Developmen
Chapter 22 : University Education in Free India
Chapter 23 : Education and Science in the Arab World
Chapter 24 : Models of the Latin American University
Chapter 25 : The Past and Future of Asian Universities  : Twenty-First Century Challenges
Chapter 26 : Chinese Higher Education  : The Legacy of the Past and the Context of the Future
Chapter 27 : Japanese Higher Education  : Contemporary Reform and the Influence of Tradition
Chapter 28 : Scientific Development and Higher Education  : The Case of Newly Industrialising Nations

Volume II

Chapter 29 : The Mediaeval Universities : Their Development and Organisation
Chapter 30 : The Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages
Chapter 31 : The Idea of a University Defined and Illustrated
Chapter 32 : Loss and Gain  : John Henry Newman in 2005
Chapter 33 : The Essence of T : H : Huxley
Chapter 34 : T : H : Huxley’s Idea of a University
Chapter 35 : The Idea of a Modern University
Chapter 36 : The Older Universities of England  : Oxford and Cambridge
Chapter 37 : An Experiment in Democratic Education
Chapter 38 : The Nature and Aims of a Modern University
Chapter 39 : Changing Conceptions of the University’s Task
Chapter 40 : The Universities in Transition
Chapter 41 : The Idea of a University and its Antithesis  : The Modern University and its Discontents
Chapter 42 : The Changing Functions of Universities  : The British Academics
Chapter 43 : The University in the Modern World
Chapter 44 : The Idea of a University  : Adapting Universities to a Technological Society
Chapter 45 : Mass Higher Education  : Adapting Universities to a Technological Society
Chapter 46 : Federal Universities and Multi-Campus Systems  : Britain and the United States Since the Nineteenth Century
Chapter 47 : The Pluralistic University in the Pluralistic Society
Chapter 48 : The Idea of a Multiversity  : The Uses of the University
Chapter 49 : Decline of Donnish Dominion  : The British Academic Profession in the Twentieth Century
Chapter 50 : Higher Education and Opinion Making in Twentieth-Century England

Volume III

Chapter 51 : Higher Education and Social Change  : Some Comparative Perspectives
Chapter 52 : The University and the State in Western Europe
Chapter 53 : The Universities and British Industry, 1850–1970  : Conclusion  : The Universities and British Industry, 1850–1970
Chapter 54 : Community Service Stations  : The Transformation of the Civic Universities, 1898–1930
Chapter 55 : The Admission of Poor Men  : Principles and Methods of University Reform
Chapter 56 : The Universities and Social Purpose  : Universities Quarterly, IV, 1949–50
Chapter 57 : Reflections on Policy  : British Universities :  Purposes and Prospects
Chapter 58 : British Universities and the State
Chapter 59 : Grants to Students in Scotland
Chapter 60 : Higher Education  : Aims and Principles
Chapter 61 : Some Conclusions  : Government and the Universities in Britain  : Programme and Performance, 1960–1980
Chapter 62 : Past and Futures  : A Higher Education  : The Council for National Academic Awards and British Higher Education
Chapter 63 : The Business University  :  in Thompson
Chapter 64 : Towards an Independent University
Chapter 65 : Funding in Higher Education and Economic Growth in France and the United Kingdom, 1921–2003’, Higher Education Management and Policy, 18, 3, 2006
Chapter 66 : Professionalization and Higher Education in Germany (1860–1930
Chapter 67 : National Socialism and the German Universities’, History of Universities, XVIII, I, 2003
Chapter 68 : The Commission on German Universities’, Universities Quarterly, 1949
Chapter 69 : The University Reform of Tsar Alexander I, 1802–1835
Chapter 70 : The American State University Today’, Universities Quarterly, X, 1955
Chapter 71 : Affirmative Action  : Education’s Abiding Moral Dilemma  : Merit and Worth in the Cross-Atlantic Democracies, 1800–2006
Chapter 72 : Blacks in Higher Education to 1954  : A Historical Overview
Chapter 73 : Apartheid in the South African Universities  : Universities Quarterly, VIII

Volume IV

Chapter 74 : Of the Subjects of University Teaching : On the Principles of English University Education
Chapter 75 : Christianity and Scientific Investigation  : A Lecture  : On the Scope and Nature of University Education
Chapter 76 : The Need for the Study of Philosophy : Education and the Spirit of the Age
Chapter 77 : The Cosmos of Knowledge : The Idea of the University
Chapter 78 : Culture and Science’, Mission of the University
Chapter 79 : Outlines of a Possible Solution : The Universities in Transformation
Chapter 80 : The College-University : Its Development in Aberdeen and Beyond
Chapter 81 : Change and Resistance to Change  : A Consideration of the Development of English and German Universities During the Sixteenth Century’, in History of Universities
Chapter 82 : Science and Medicine in Academic Studies Before 1640’, The Great Instauration :Science, Medicine and Reform, 1626–1660
Chapter 83 : The Limits of "Reform" : Some Aspects of the Debate on University Education During the English Revolution’, in History of Universities
Chapter 84 : From Oral to Written Examinations  : Cambridge, Oxford and Dublin 1700–1914’, in History of Universities
Chapter 85 : Curriculum and Style in the Collegiate University  : Classics in Nineteenth-Century Oxbridge
Chapter 86 : Experimental Science in Early Nineteenth-Century Oxford
Chapter 87 : Structural Change in English Higher Education, 1870–1920
Chapter 88 : Modern Greats’, Universities Quarterly
Chapter 89 : General Education’, Universities Quarterly
Chapter 90 : Higher Education Since the War : Universities, CATs and Technical Colleges : Robbins and After’, The New Polytechnics
Chapter 91 : From Technical School to Technological University’, Higher Education Developments : The Technological Universities
Chapter 92 : The Basic Ideas’, Open University : A Personal Account by the first Vice-Chancellor
Chapter 93 : Modular Systems in Britain
Chapter 94 : The Paris Statutes of 1215 Reconsidered’, in History of Universities
Chapter 95 : American Higher Education in the Age of the College’, in History of Universities
Chapter 96 : The Committee on Social Thought of the University of Chicago’, Universities Quarterly
Chapter 97 : The American Modular System

Volume V

Chapter 98 : Elite and Popular Functions in American Higher Education
Chapter 99 : The Student and the University’, The Closing of the American Mind
Chapter 100 : The Pattern of Social Transformation in England
Chapter 101 : The Evolution of the British Universities’, The British Academics
Chapter 102 : The Shaping of a Gentleman’, English Culture and the Decline of the Industrial Spirit
Chapter 103 : Universities and Elites in Modern Britain’, in History of Universities
Chapter 104 : Origins and Destinations’, Universities and Elites in Britain Since 1800 Chapter 105 : English Civic Universities and the Myth of Decline’, in History of Universities
Chapter 106 : English Elite Education in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
Chapter 107 : The Expansion of Higher Education in England
Chapter 108 : The Diversification of Higher Education in England
Chapter 109 : Education and the Middle Classes in Modern France
Chapter 110 : The Students and the Future’, A Student’s View of the Universities
Chapter 111 : The Student Movement’, Masters and Scholars
Chapter 112 : The Medieval Students of the University of Salamanca’, in History of Universities
Chapter 113 : Economists as Experts  : The Rise of an Academic Profession in the United States, 1870–1920
Chapter 114 : The Revolution of the Dons : Cambridge and Society in Victorian England
Chapter 115 : The Academic Role’, Tradition and Change in English Liberal Education Chapter 116 : Emerging Concepts of the Academic Profession at Oxford, 1800–1854
Chapter 117 : Women and Men’, Decline of Donnish Dominion  : The British Academic Professions in the Twentieth Century
Chapter 118 : Patterns of Provision : Access and Accommodation’, No Distinction of Sex? Women in British Universities, 1870–1939
Chapter 119 : Reconsidering a Classic : Assessing the History of Women’s Higher Education a Dozen Years after Barbara Solomon