The Influential Project Manager : Winning Over Team Members and Stakeholders

Title: The Influential Project Manager : Winning Over Team Members and Stakeholders
Author: Alfonso Bucero
ISBN: 1466596333 / 9781466596337
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 216
Publisher: Auerbach
Year: 2014
Availability: Out of Stock

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All best practice recommendations and key success criteria point to the importance of developing soft skills as a project manager, but few sources exist about how to develop the power of influence for achieving better project and business results. Filling this need, this book supplies readers with guidance on how to improve their influence skills to achieve better business results. It explains how to set and meet ambitious goals for you, your team, and your stakeholders. It describes how to listen actively to influence people and how to build partnerships that can pay dividends for a lifetime.

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Part I : Training a Better Horse
Chapter 1 :
Ten Keys to Influence
Chapter 2 : Practice Active Listening
Chapter 3 : Develop Trust
Chapter 4 : Practice Your Integrity
Chapter 5 : Influence to Win
Chapter 6 : Practice Your Generosity
Chapter 7 : Understanding People
Chapter 8 : Develop Commitment
Chapter 9 : Cultivate Your Informal Power
Chapter 10 : Understand How to Convert Your Project Vision into Reality

Part II : Sell Your Horse
Chapter 11 :
Develop and Sustain Your Influence

Part III : Ride Your Horse
Chapter 12 :
The Myths of Influencing

Summary and Conclusions