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The Modern Theory of the Toyota Production System : A Systems Inquiry of the Worlds Most Emulated and Profitable Management System

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Title: The Modern Theory of the Toyota Production System : A Systems Inquiry of the Worlds Most Emulated and Profitable Management System
Author: Phillip Marksberry
ISBN: 1466556749 / 9781466556744
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 454
Publisher: Productivity Press
Availability: In Stock
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  • Description
  • Contents

Numerous books have been written about Toyota's approach to workplace improvement; however, most describe Toyota's practices as case studies or stories. Designed to aid in the implementation of Lean manufacturing, The Modern Theory of the Toyota Production System: A Systems Inquiry of the World’s Most Emulated and Profitable Management System explains that your organization already has what it takes to succeed with TPS and what’s probably missing is balance.

Bridging the gap between implementation and theory, this text is the first of its kind to use systems theory to study how the pieces of the Toyota Production System (TPS) work together to achieve this much needed balance. Lean practitioners will learn how to use system theory to improve overall decision making when applying Lean or Toyota-like management systems.

Explaining that the glue that holds the pieces of TPS together is just as important as the pieces themselves, the book provides you with invaluable guidance in the implementation of Lean manufacturing from a management perspective. It outlines a blueprint to help you develop a clear understanding of how the pieces of TPS need to come together so you can achieve something greater than what’s possible with the individual pieces.

About the Author

Chapter 1 : Systems Theory and the Relation to TPS

  • Why Systems Theory for the Toyota Production System?
  • Why Systems Thinking Is Not Popular When Implementing TPS
  • Systems Theory Background
  • A Representation of Toyota’s TPS System Properties
  • Summary
  • References

Chapter 2 : The Property of Holism in TPS

  • System Property: Holism
  • Holism and the Toyota Production System
  • The Role Concept
  • The Difference between Roles and Job Descriptions
  • Role Prescriptions
  • Role Theory and Analysis
  • The Emergent Properties of TPS: Teamwork
  • The Emergent Properties of TPS: Collaboration and Trust among Members
  • The Emergent Properties of TPS: Workplace Consistency
  • Summary
  • References

Chapter 3 : The Property of Goal Seeking in TPS, Part 1

  • System Property: Goal Seeking
  • Goal-Seeking Properties of the Toyota Production System
  • Background: TPS and the Industrial Engineering Connection
  • The Role of Industrial Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering Theory
  • Literature Review of Industrial Engineering Methods
  • What Type of Industrial Engineering Identity Is TPS?
  • Adapting Scientific Management to TPS and the Comparison to Contemporary IE
  • Summary
  • References

Chapter 4 : The Property of Goal Seeking in TPS, Part 2

  • Problem Solving: The Identity of the Toyota Production System
  • Structured Problem Solving
  • Toyota’s Eight-Step Problem-Solving Methodology
  • Human Problem-Solving Background
  • Literature Review of Problem-Solving Methodologies
  • Limitations with Problem-Solving Methodology Research
  • Problem-Solving Theory and Core Thinking Skills
  • Criteria for Evaluating Effective Cognitive Processes
  • Applying Human Problem-Solving Theory to Toyota’s Eight-Step Process
  • Putting It All Together
  • Summary
  • References

Chapter 5 : The System Property of Regulation in TPS

  • System Property: Regulation
  • The System Property of Regulation and the Toyota Production System
  • Literature Review of Jishukens
  • Literature Review of Quality Circles
  • Using Quality Circles and Jishukens to Create a Shared Vision
  • The Weakening and Strengthening of TPS using Shared Visions
  • The Regulation Cycle of TPS
  • Jishuken and Quality Circle Implementation Concepts
  • Summary
  • References

Chapter 6 : The System Property of Differentiation in TPS

  • System Property: Differentiation
  • Toyota Production System and System Differentiation
  • Literature Review of Leadership
  • Literature Review of Leadership Theory
  • Leadership Theory for TPS
  • The Why Function of TPS Leadership
  • The How Function of TPS Leadership
  • The Where Function of TPS Leadership
  • The When Function of TPS Leadership
  • Summary
  • References

Chapter 7 : The System Property of Hierarchies in TPS

  • System Property: Hierarchy
  • The Hierarchical Property of the Toyota Production System
  • Decision Making in Hierarchies
  • Literature Review of Strategic Planning
  • Strategic Planning Theories
  • A System of Hierarchies: The Hoshin Process
  • A Theoretical Interpretation of Hoshin
  • Summary
  • References

Chapter 8 : The System Property of Transformation in TPS

  • System Property: Transformation
  • The Conversion Process in the Toyota Production System
  • Literature Review of Change Management
  • Conversion Process: Ingestor
  • Conversion Process: Motor
  • Conversion Process: Converter
  • Conversion Process: Producer
  • Conversion Process: Supporter
  • Conversion Process: Distributor
  • Conversion Process: Matter–Energy Storage
  • Summary
  • References

Chapter 9 : The System Property of Entropy in TPS

  • System Property: Entropy
  • Entropy in Organizations
  • Entropy in the Toyota Production System
  • Minimizing Entropy Using the Human Resource Function in TPS
  • Hygiene Theory and TPS: The Essential Needs of the Individual
  • Motivation Theory and TPS: The Intrinsic Needs of the Individual
  • Summary
  • References

Chapter 10 : The System Property of Reversibility in TPS

  • System Property: Reversibility
  • Minimizing Entropy in the Management and Labor Relationship (Reversibility)
  • Literature Review: The Birth of the Toyota Production System as a Union
  • Internal Reversibility in TPS: A Union Perspective
  • External Reversibility in TPS: A Union Perspective
  • Summary
  • References

Chapter 11 : The System Property of Negative Entropy in TPS

  • System Property: Negative Entropy
  • Negative Entropy and the Toyota Production System
  • Organizational Learning and Communication: Some Basic Similarities with TPS
  • Literature Review of Organizational Learning and Communication
  • Organizational Learning Theory
  • Connecting the Kaizen Mind
  • The Preferred Learning and Communication Style for the Kaizen Mind
  • Summary
  • References

Chapter 12 : The System Property of Requisite Variety in TPS

  • System Property: Requisite Variety
  • A Theoretical Response to Complexity and Variety
  • Toyota Production System and the Law of Requisite Variety
  • Literature Review: Production Leveling
  • The Technical and Social Structures of Production Leveling
  • Summary
  • References

Chapter 13 : The System Properties of Interrelationship and Interdependence in TPS

  • System Properties: Interrelationship and Interdependence
  • Interrelationship and Interdependence in the Toyota Production System
  • A Review of Toyota’s Supplier Development Practices
  • Building Positive and Interdependent Structures in TPS
  • Summary
  • References

Chapter 14 : The System Property of Equifinality in TPS

  • System Property: Equifinality and Multifinality
  • The System Property of Equifinality for a Management System
  • The System Property of Equifinality for Non-Value-Added Work Environments
  • Literature Review
  • The TPS Goal in Facilities Maintenance
  • The Tenants of Waste Elimination in Maintenance
  • Summary
  • References

Chapter 15 : Summary

  • Systems Theory and the Modern Theory
  • Management System Properties Can Be Satisfied in Many Ways
  • Organizing the Properties of TPS for Implementation
  • Timing and Pace
  • How Do You Know When the Modern Theory of TPS Is Working?


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