The Practical Guide to Waste Management Law

Title: The Practical Guide to Waste Management Law
Author: H S Shaw, R G P Hawkins
ISBN: 0727732757 / 9780727732750
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 216
Publisher: Thomas Telford
Year: 2004
Availability: Out of Stock

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"This is the start of an enormous change in waste – both a challenge and an opportunity"
John Burns, Waste Implementation Programme Director, DEFRA*

In 2004 the UK Government was faced with numerous challenges in the context of environmental management, and has been under pressure to perform for at least the next five years. Targets set in Brussels either by the European Commission or the European Parliament will be difficult to meet.

Additionally, new environmental legislation continues to flow in from both Europe and Westminster. The new Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 with its implications for regional environmental decision-making, the new Permitting regime, the Waste Emissions Trading Act 2003, the implications of the Water Act 2003, the Household Recycling Act 2003, the introduction of controls for Agricultural Waste in 2004-5, and the ELV, the WEEE and the RoHS Regulations all have to be understood and new training undertaken. The changeover from the UK Carriage of Dangerous Goods regime to the EU ADR Regulations and the reclassification of Special into 91/689 Hazardous Waste will have technical, management and financial implications for industry, commerce and SMEs.

The commercial and environmental effects of the new laws and practices are explained with reference to relevant websites to aid the reader to find further details and hopefully solutions to environmental difficulties which will be the responsibility of the Environment Agency, SEPA, Local Authorities, the Health and Safety Executive, the Vehicle Operator Services Agency, Customs and Excise and other named agencies.

This book is intended primarily for engineers, surveyors, building contractors, accountants, geologists, environmental scientists, insurers and controllers of financial liability, transportation managers, local and central government regulators and enforcers – and of course, all who produce, manage, transport, reuse, reclaim and recycle waste.

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Chapter 1 : The Historical Background
Chapter 2 : Defining Waste
Chapter 3 : The Administration and Management of Waste
Chapter 4 : Waste Minimisation, Recycling, Bioprocessing and Recovery Energy Recovery, Incineration and Landfill
Chapter 5 : The Planning System and Structural Reform
Chapter 6 : Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control and The Permitting Regime
Chapter 7 : Enviromental, Criminal, and Civil Law
Chapter 8 : Simplified and The Control of Flytipping
Chapter 9 : Health & Safety, The Duty of Care Regulations and Basic Contractual Considerations
Chapter 10 : The Consignment and Movement of Waste
Chapter 11 : Waste Mismanagement and Water Quality
Chapter 12 : The End of The Beginning
