The TeamNet Factor : Bringing the Power of Boundary Crossing into the Heart of Your Business

Title: The TeamNet Factor : Bringing the Power of Boundary Crossing into the Heart of Your Business
Author: Jeffrey Stamps, Jessica Lipnack
ISBN: 0939246341 / 9780939246342
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 288
Publisher: OLV
Year: 1993
Availability: In Stock

Tab Article

TeamNets are tomorrow's answer, here today, to the organizational quagmire of succeeding with fewer resources, less people and intense competition. Demonstrates how to create sustainable competitive advantage while generating boundary-crossing relationships with other companies, competitors, suppliers, customers, regional business networks and international partners. Provides practical, proven insights on how to get a quick start with TeamNets, the best methods to select TeamNet partners, effectively use the TeamNet toolbox and sustain successful TeamNets over time.

Tab Article

List of Illustrations

Section I : Understanding Teamnets and What They Can Do
Chapter 1 : Teamnets: The Great Competitive Advantage of Boundary Crossing
Chapter 2 : Seeing the Obvious: Five Teamnet Principles
Chapter 3 : Linoleum, Furniture, and Electrical Systems: Three Different Boundary Crossing Teamnets
Chapter 4 : In It Together: Crossing Boundaries in Groups
Chapter 5 : Inside-Out Teamnets: Crossing Enterprise Boundaries Fortune 500-Style
Chapter 6 : Small Giants: How Grass-Roots Companies Compete with Global Corporations
Chapter 7 : Instead of Layoffs: Saving, Improving, and Creating Jobs

Section II : Harnessing the Power of Teamnets
Chapter 8 : Quick Start: Getting Your Teamnet to Click
Chapter 9 : Launching Teamnets: Taking Off by Thinking It Through
Chapter 10 : Those That Do, Plan: Bringing Discipline to Teamnets
Chapter 11 : Rascals in Paradise: Why Teamnets Fail
Chapter 12 : Fighting Fire with Organization: Summing It All Up

“The Risk of Democracy”: Teamnets as the Hope for the 21st Century
Reference Section
Transforming Bureaucracies and Systems