Urban Regeneration and Renewal, (4 Volume Set)

Title: Urban Regeneration and Renewal, (4 Volume Set)
Author: Andrew Tallon
ISBN: 0415475066 / 9780415475068
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 1840
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 2010
Availability: 45-60 days

Tab Article

The pursuit of regeneration and renewal has played an important role in the history and development of the world’s cities, and the theoretical and applied issues around these critical concepts are of increasing importance to governments and local populations, as well as to urban professionals and scholars. Particularly in postwar North America and Western Europe, this growing concern has often resulted from the decay and deterioration of cities associated with the decline in traditional industries and the associated loss of employment, and populations, to the suburbs and beyond.

This new title in the Routledge series, Critical Concepts in Urban Studies, meets the need for an authoritative reference work to make sense of the explosion in research output on regeneration and renewal as a significant historical and contemporary urban process of economic, social, cultural, and political importance. Edited by a leading scholar, this Routledge Major Work brings together in four volumes the canonical and the best cutting-edge scholarship on the topic.

The collection is divided into three principal parts. Part 1 (‘Cities in Transition’) covers the wider social, economic, political, and urban geographical context for urban regeneration and renewal, and documents the nature of changing cities. These processes and changes are inextricably linked with urban regeneration and renewal initiatives, and an understanding of these transitions is essential to place Parts 2 and 3 in perspective. Part 2 (‘Responses to Urban Change from National Governments’) brings together the best overviews and critiques of urban policy initiatives implemented by central governments in developed countries during the postwar period. The materials gathered here span experiences and city examples from advanced economies across the world.

The final part (‘City Responses to Urban Change’) draws on the approaches taken by cities themselves in response to urban problems, particularly those designed to improve economic competitiveness and to combat social exclusion. Key research on the wide array of thematic approaches that have been followed is assembled in this part. Within the wider urban processes explored in Part 1, this part examines particular policy responses that have arisen in many cities, and considers a number of case-study cities from the UK, North America, continental Europe, and Australasia.

With a full index, together with a comprehensive introduction, newly written by the editor, which places the collected material in its historical and intellectual context, Urban Regeneration and Renewal is an essential work of reference. It is destined to be valued by scholars, students, and researchers as a vital research resource.

Tab Article

Volume I

Part 1 : Cities in Transition

Part 1.1  : Globalization and Urban Competitiveness
Chapter 1 : Competitiveness, Cohesion and Urban Governance, City Matters : Competitiveness, Cohesion and Urban Governance
Chapter 2 : Cities and Competitiveness’, Urban Studies, 1999
Chapter 3 : From Fordism to Flexible Accumulation’, The Condition of Postmodernity
Chapter 4 : Going Global’, Globalization and The City

Part 1.2  : From Managerialism to Urban Entrepreneurialism

Chapter 5 : The Entrepreneurial City : New Urban Politics, New Urban Geographies?’, Progress in Human Geography, 1996
Chapter 6 : From Managerialism to Entrepreneurialism : The Transformation in Urban Governance in Late Capitalism’, Geografiska Annaler, 1989
Chapter 7 : The Entrepreneurial City, Transforming Cities : Contested Governance and New Spatial Divisions
Chapter 8 : Making Sense of Urban Entrepreneurialism’, Scottish Geographical Magazine, 1998

Part 1.3  : Social Capital, Exclusion, Cohesion, and Diversity
Chapter 9 : Combating Social Exclusion in Europe : The New Urban Policy Challenge’, Urban Studies, 2000
Chapter 10 : Social Cohesion, Social Capital and The Neighbourhood’, Urban Studies, 2001
Chapter 11 : Social Capital, Regeneration and Urban Policy, Urban Renaissance? New Labour, Community and Urban Policy
Chapter 12 : Three Discourses of Social Exclusion’, The Inclusive Society? Social Exclusion and New Labour, 2nd edn :

Part 1.4  : Urban Governance and The Post-Fordist City

Chapter 13 : From Local Government to Local Governance and Beyond’, International Political Science Review, 1998
Chapter 14 : Hollowing out The "Nation-State" and Multi-Level Governance, A Handbook of Comparative Social Policy
Chapter 15 : Fordism, Post-Fordism and The Contemporary City, From The Margins to The Centre
Chapter 16 : Urban Governance in Developing Countries : Experiences and Challenges, Governing Cities in a Global Era : Urban Innovation, Competition and Democratic Reform

Volume II

Part 1.5  : Postmodernism and Urban Space
Chapter 17 : City of Quartz : Excavating The Future of Los Angeles
Chapter 18 : Prolegomena to a Postmodern Urbanism, Managing Cities : The New Urban Context
Chapter 19 : The Search for The Future Inside Ourselves : Life on The New Frontier’, Edge City : Life on The New Frontier
Chapter 20 : The Spatial Dynamics of Postmodern Urbanism : Social Polarisation and Fragmentation in Sao Paulo and Johannesburg’, Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 2004
Chapter 21 : The City and The Global Economy’, The Urban Order : An Introduction to Cities, Culture and Power
Chapter 22 : Postmodern Urbanization : The Six Restructurings of Los Angeles, Postmodern Cities and Spaces

Part 2 : responses to urban change from national governments

Part 2.1  : Postwar Physical Redevelopment and Area-Based Social Welfare Projects
Chapter 23 : Post-war Urban Problems and The Rediscovery of Poverty’, Urban Policy in Britain : The City, The State and The Market
Chapter 24 : Aspects of The Historical Development of Urban Renewal’, Urban Renewal : Theory and Practice

Part 2.2  : Entrepreneurial and Property-Led Regeneration
Chapter 25 : The Limits of Property-Led Regeneration’, Environment and Planning C : Government and Policy, 1993
Chapter 26 : The Thatcher Government’s Urban Policy, 1979–1989’, Town Planning Review, 1989
Chapter 27 : Property-Led Urban Regeneration : Panacea or Placebo?’, Environment and Planning A, 1992

Part 2.3  : Economic Competition in Urban Policy
Chapter 28 : The Clinton Policy for Cities : A Transatlantic Assessment’, Planning Practice and Research, 1995
Chapter 29 : Cities, Economic Competition and Urban Policy, Cities, Economic Competition and Urban Policy

Part 2.4  : Combining Economic Development and Social Justice in Urban Policy
Chapter 30 : Bringing Britain TogeTher? The Limitations of Area-Based Regeneration Policies in Addressing Deprivation’, Local Economy, 2000
Chapter 31 : Community and The Changing Nature of Urban Policy, Urban Renaissance? New Labour, Community and Urban Policy
Chapter 32 : Horizons and Barriers in British Urban Policy’, New Horizons in British Urban Policy : Perspectives on New Labour’s Urban Renaissance
Chapter 33 : Neighbourhood Regeneration and New Labour’s Third Way’, Environment and Planning C : Government and Policy, 2001

Part 2.5  : Evaluating National Government Urban Regeneration and Renewal Policies
Chapter 34 : Change in The European Industrial City, Urban Regeneration in Europe
Chapter 35 : The Failure of Regeneration Policy in Britain’, Regional Studies, 2002
Chapter 36 : Learning from Experience? Reflections on Two Decades of British Urban Policy’, Town Planning Review, 1998
Chapter 37 : Urban Experiments Limited Revisited : Urban Policy Comes Full Circle?’, Urban Studies, 1996
Chapter 38 : Analysing The Impact of Objective 1 Funding in Europe : A Review’, Environment and Planning C : Government and Policy, 2008

Volume III

Part 3 : City Responses to Urban Change

Part 3.1  : Place Marketing
Chapter 39 : Making Sameness : Place Marketing and The New Urban Entrepreneurialism, Cities, Economic Competition and Urban Policy
Chapter 40 : Revisioning Place : De- and Re-Constructing The Image of The Industrial City, Selling Places : The City as Cultural Capital, Past and Present
Chapter 41 : City Marketing, Image Reconstruction and Urban Regeneration’, Urban Studies, 1993
Chapter 42 : Marketing Re-Invented Cities’, Selling Places : The Marketing and Promotion of Towns and Cities, 1850–2000

Part 3.2  : Expanding The Leisure and Cultural Economies
Chapter 43 : ‘‘Design-Led’ Urban Regeneration : A Critical Perspective’, Local Economy, 2003
Chapter 44 : Cultural Policy in European Cities : Lessons from Experience, Prospects for The Future’, Local Economy, 2004
Chapter 45 : Urban Revitalisation : The Use of Festive Time Strategies’, Leisure Studies, 1999
Chapter 46 : Cities and The Night-Time Economy’, Planning Practice and Research, 1995
Chapter 47 : Cultural Quarters as Mechanisms for Urban Regeneration—Part 2 : A Review of Four Cultural Quarters in The UK, Ireland and Australia’, Planning Practice and Research, 2004

Part 3.3  : Creative Cities and Creative Industries
Chapter 48 : Will The Real Creative City Please Stand Up?’, City, 2000
Chapter 49 : Technology, Talent and Tolerance : The 3T’s of Economic Development’, The Rise of The Creative Class and How It’s Transforming Work, Leisure, Community and Everyday Life
Chapter 50 : Cities and The Creative Class’, Cities and The Creative Class
Chapter 51 : Creative Cities and Economic Development’, Urban Studies, 2000
Chapter 52 : Struggling with The Creative Class’, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 2005

Part 3.4  : Sport and Regeneration
Chapter 53 : The Role of Major Sports Events in The Economic Regeneration of Cities : Lessons from Six World or European Championships, Sport in The City : The Role of Sport in Economic and Social Regeneration
Chapter 54 : The Social Benefits of Sport : Where’s The Proof?, Sport in The City : The Role of Sport in Economic and Social Regeneration
Chapter 55 : Large-Scale Events and Sustainable Urban Regeneration : Key Principles for Host Cities’, Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 2007
Chapter 56 : Urban Regeneration and Sports Stadia’, European Planning Studies, 2002

Part 3.5  : City Centre Retail Regeneration
Chapter 57 : Revitalising The Central Business District in The Face of Decline : The Case of New Orleans, 1973–1993’, Town Planning Review, 1993
Chapter 58 : Mobilising Urban Policies : The Policy Transfer of US Business Improvement Districts to England and Wales’, Urban Studies, 2008
Chapter 59 : The Role of Retailing in Urban Regeneration’, Local Economy, 2005
Chapter 60 : Privatisation of Public Space : The Los Angeles Experience’, Town Planning Review, 1993
Chapter 61 : The Vitality and Viability of Town Centres’, Urban Studies, 2000
Chapter 62 : Downtown Redevelopment Strategies in The United States : An End-of-The-Century Assessment’, Journal of The American Planning Association, 1995

Volume IV

Part 3.6  : Housing-Led Regeneration and Gentrification

Chapter 63 : The Evidence on The Impact of Gentrification : New Lessons for The Urban Renaissance’, European Journal of Housing Policy, 2004
Chapter 64 : Forting Up’, Fortress America : Gating Communities in The United States
Chapter 65 : The Fortress City : Privatized Spaces, Consumer Citizenship, Post-Fordism : A Reader
Chapter 66 : A Reappraisal of Gentrification : Towards a "Geography of Gentrification"’, Progress in Human Geography, 2000
Chapter 67 : Gentrification : Positive or Negative?’, Gentrification
Chapter 68 : Studentification and "Apprentice" Gentrifiers Within Britain’s Provincial Towns and Cities : Extending The Meaning of Gentrification’, Environment and Planning A, 2007
Chapter 69 : New Globalism, New Urbanism : Gentrification as Global Urban Strategy’, Antipode, 2002
Chapter 70 : Gated Cities of Tomorrow’, Town Planning Review, 2001

Part 3.7  : Community Involvement in Urban Regeneration Partnerships
Chapter 71 : Effectiveness at What? The Processes and Impact of Community Involvement in Area-Based Initiatives’, Environment and Planning C : Government and Policy, 2005
Chapter 72 : Partnerships for Regeneration and Community Development : Some Opportunities, Challenges and Constraints’, Critical Social Policy, 1997
Chapter 73 : Community Participation in The Real World : Opportunities and Pitfalls in New Governance Spaces’, Urban Studies, 2007

Part 3.8  : Urban Sustainable Development and Sustainable Communities
Chapter 74 : Unpacking New Labour’s "Urban Renaissance" Agenda : Towards a Socially Sustainable Reurbanization of British Cities’, Planning Practice and Research, 2007
Chapter 75 : Sustainable Urban Planning and The Brownfield Development Process in The United Kingdom : Lessons from The Thames Gateway’, Local Environment, 2006
Chapter 76 : Delivering Brownfield Regeneration : Sustainable Community-Building in London and Manchester, Sustainable Brownfield Regeneration : Liveable Places from Problem Spaces