Water Supply Systems Security

Title: Water Supply Systems Security
Author: Larry W. Mays
ISBN: 0071425314 / 9780071425315
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 464
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Year: 2004
Availability: 45-60 days

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Written by a team of experts, this is the first book to provide comprehensive, state-of-the-art coverage of the safety and security of water supply systems. This unique and authoritative compendium presents detailed coverage of the major infrastructure issues in water system security. Topics range from vulnerability assessment to safeguards against cyber threats to hydraulic network analysis for contamination response. Each chapter provides professional guidance on designing, operating, maintaining, and rehabilitating water systems to ensure state-of-the-art and security.

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Chapter 1 : Water Supply Safety and Security: An Introduction
Chapter 2 : Microbiological Contaminants and Threats of Concern
Chapter 3 : Chemical Contaminants and Threats of Concern
Chapter 4 : Drinking Water Distribution Systems
Chapter 5 : Water Supply Cyber Threats and SCADA Systems
Chapter 6 : Assessing the Risks of Drinking-Water Supplies
Chapter 7 : Methodologies for Reliability Analysis and Vulnerability
Chapter 8 : Development of a Consortium for Water Security and Safety
Chapter 9 : Remote Monitoring and Network Models
Chapter 10 : Modeling Water Quality in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
Chapter 11 : Potential for Enhancing Water Security
Chapter 12 : Source Water: Early Warning Systems and Monitoring
Chapter 13 : Security Hardware and Surveillance Systems
Chapter 14 : Optimal Location of Control and Isolation Valves
Chapter 15 : Development of the Next Generation of Chem/Bio Detection
Chapter 16 : Hydraulic and Water Quality Modeling
Chapter 17 : Emergency Response Planning
Chapter 18 : Emergency Water Supply in Non-Conventional Times
