Winning the Wealth Game : How to Keep Your Money in Your Family

Title: Winning the Wealth Game : How to Keep Your Money in Your Family
Author: Andrew D. Westhem Donald J. Korn Andrew Westhem
ISBN: 0793103096 / 9780793103096
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 279
Publisher: Dearborne
Year: 1992
Availability: In Stock

Tab Article

Introduction: Why You Need a Wealth-Transfer Plan

Section I : Basic Training
Chapter 1 : The Cruelest Bite, and How to Avoid It
Chapter 2 : The Seven-Figure Hitch
Chapter 3 : Where There’s Will
Chapter 4 : Deflate Probate
Chapter 5 : Title Games
Chapter 6 : Tis Better to Give

Section II : Trust-Worthy
Chapter 7 : Trusts Without Fear
Chapter 8 : Cleaning Up With Q-TIPs
Chapter 9 : A Trusted Way to Double Your Money
Chapter 10 : Making Sure an Inheritance Trust is Truly Tax-Free
Chapter 11 : Give and Take
Chapter 12 : Bridging the Generation Gap

Section III : Beyond Trusts
Chapter 13 : Keeping Good Company
Chapter 14 : All in the Family
Chapter 15 : Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller-And You
Chapter 16 : The 15 Percent Solution
Chapter 17 : Gambling With Death

Section IV : Policy Matters
Chapter 18 : The Short-Term View
Chapter 19 : The “Death” of Whole Life
Chapter 20 : When Second is Best
Chapter 21 : … And Congress Created MECs
Chapter 22 : Don’t Believe Everything You Read

Afterword: The Winning Team Wins
Appendix A : The Wealth-Transfer Numbers Game
Appendix B : A Tax-Free Inheritance Trust-Plus How a Charitable Remainder Trust Works
Glossary of Wealth-Transfer Terms