World Class Health and Safety : The Professional's Guide

Title: World Class Health and Safety : The Professional's Guide
Author: Richard Byrne
ISBN: 1138183903 / 9781138183902
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 208
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 2016
Availability: In Stock

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Getting your qualification is just the start of the safety professional’s journey towards effective workplace practice. World Class Health and Safety doesn’t repeat the whys and whats of health and safety management, instead it is a helpful how-to guide for newly qualified and experienced health and safety professionals to get the best out of their knowledge, experience and the people they work with. This book is filled with practical examples that bring the subject to life, covering the skills and techniques you need to be a leader of safety, overcome inaction and make lasting positive changes to safety performance and culture – enabling more people to go home safe every day. World Class Health and Safety teaches the reader to:

  • work efficiently and effectively with senior managers and budget holders to implement the wider corporate social responsibility agenda
  • emphasize the ‘value-added’ benefits of good health and safety management clearly and simply
  • create effective and engaging training
  • use monitoring and audits to get the best out of the resources available

World Class Health and Safety is essential reading for those wishing to invest in their own professional development, to communicate effectively and to understand and deliver safety in the wider business context, wherever in the world they might be working.

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List of Illustrations

Part I : Understanding the Climate
Chapter 1 :
Clipboard and Cagoule
Chapter 2 : Corporate Responsibility, Safety and Business Activities

Part II : Leadership and Management Skills for Safety Professionals
Chapter 3 :
Creating a Safety Strategy and Work Plan
Chapter 4 : Communicating Safety
Chapter 5 : Effective Safety Training
Chapter 6 : Developing Effective Health and Safety Management Systems and Safe Systems of Work
Chapter 7 : A Model for Auditing
Chapter 8 : Developing a Business Case
Chapter 9 : Report Writing and Presentation Skills
Chapter 10 : Managing Conflict
Chapter 11 : Problem Solving and Making Effective Decisions
Chapter 12 : Managing Change
Chapter 13 : Managing Projects
Chapter 14 : Using Your Time Efficiently
Chapter 15 : Coaching

Part III : Overcoming Inaction
Chapter 16 :
Getting Smarter
Chapter 17 : The Law of Diffusion on Innovation
Chapter 18 : Transactional Analysis

Part IV : Engagement Tools
Chapter 19 :
Business Leaders and Senior Managers
Chapter 20 : Middle and Junior Managers
Chapter 21 : Front-Line Managers and Employees

Part V : Keeping Going
Chapter 22 :
Developing Your Career in Safety
Chapter 23 : Maintaining Your Drive
