John W. Moran

Total Record : 2
Author: John W. Moran, Richard P. Talbot, Russell M. Benson
ISBN: 0873890795 / 9780873890793
Year: 1990
Availability: In Stock
A Strong graphic is worth more than 1,000 words! This immediately useful overview of practical graphical tools and techniques will show you exactly how to best communicate your message. Its user-fri...
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List Price: $ 37
Offer Price: ` 2350
Author: G. Dennis Beecroft, Grace L. Duffy, John W. Moran
ISBN: 0873895797 / 9780873895798
Year: 2003
Availability: Out of Stock
There are many techniques and a variety of tools available to improve or change an organization, but how do executives and senior management decide which are right for their organizations? The Execu...
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List Price: $ 64

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