Antonio Naviglio

Total Record : 2
Author: Antonio Naviglio, Maurizio Cumo
ISBN: 0849363845 / 9780849363849
Year: 2000
Availability: In Stock
Ageneralization and rationalization of the main safety design criteria and safety analysis methodologies developed in nuclear aerospace and chemical engineering is presnted in two comprehensive volu...
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List Price: £ 234
Offer Price: ` 17900
Author: Antonio Naviglio, Maurizio Cumo
ISBN: 0849363837 / 9780849363832
Year: 1989
Availability: In Stock
Ageneralization and rationalization of the main safety design criteria and safety analysis methodologies developed in nuclear aerospace and chemical engineering is presnted in two comprehensive volu...
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List Price: £ 470
Offer Price: ` 26000