Chemical Books

Total Record : 298
Author: H. Bennett
ISBN: 082060352X / 9780820603520
Year: 1997
Availability: 45-60 days
Chemistry, as taught in our schools and colleges, concerns chieflysynthesis, analysis, and engineering-and properly so. It is part of the rightfoundation for the education of the chemist. Many a ...
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List Price: $ 125
Author: H. Bennett
ISBN: 0820603465 / 9780820603469
Year: 1996
Availability: 45-60 days
There is hardly a technical library in the world in which the volumes of the Chemical Formulary (Volumes 1-34) do not occupy a prominent place. Chemists both experienced and beginner, continually...
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List Price: $ 125
Author: H. Bennett
ISBN: 0820603457 / 9780820603452
Year: 1994
Availability: 45-60 days
Chemistry, as taught in our schools and colleges, concerns chiefly synthesis, analysis, and engineering-and properly so. It is part of the right foundation for the education of the chemist. Many ...
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List Price: $ 100
Author: Douglas Erwin
ISBN: 0071819800 / 9780071819800
Year: 2014
Availability: 45-60 days
The most complete, up-to-date, problem-solving toolkit for chemical engineers and process designers. Industrial Chemical Process Design, Second Edition provides a step-by-step methodology and 25 ...
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List Price: $ 164
Author: Peter Smith, R.W. Zappe
ISBN: 9351071480 / 9789351071488
Year: 2014
Availability: Out of Stock
Valves are the components in a fluid flow or pressure system that regulate either the flow or the pressure of the fluid. They are used extensively in the process industries, especially petrochemical...
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List Price: ` 2995

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Author: James McCoy
ISBN: 0820603775 / 9780820603773
Year: 1981
Availability: 45-60 days
Those involved in the design, operation, or maintenance of industrial boilers will find this book an invaluable source of information. First the author discusses the relationship between boilers and...
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List Price: $ 75
Author: Dwight G. Weldon
ISBN: 0470697539 / 9780470697535
Year: 2009
Availability: 45-60 days
Entirely devoted to the failure analysis of coatings and paints – an “excellent reference to a select market”. Latest edition contains new material on surface preparation, t...
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List Price: $ 239.95
ISBN: 0323389686 / 9780323389686
Year: 2017
Availability: 45-60 days
Sittig's Handbook of Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals and Carcinogens, Seventh Edition, has proven to be a reliable, accessible, must-have reference on hazardous materials for over thirty years. This u...
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List Price: $ 695
Author: Alireza Bahadori
ISBN: 1482206455 / 9781482206456
Year: 2014
Availability: Out of Stock
Due to an increase in the wide-range of chemicals in petrochemical processing industries, as well as frequency of use, there has been a steady rise in flammability problems and other hazards. Hazard...
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List Price: £ 190

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Author: Lindon K. A. Sear
ISBN: 0727730150 / 9780727730152
Year: 2001
Availability: Out of Stock
This book draws together a large quantity of research that has been carried out on pulverised fuel ash (PFA) over the past 30 years. Fuel ash and fly ash are produced as waste from burining coal (or...
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List Price: £ 100

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Author: Jatindra Kumar Sahu
ISBN: 1138199672 / 9781138199675
Year: 2016
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks.
Food materials are processed prior to their consumption using different processing technologies that improve their shelf life and maintain their physicochemical, biological, and sensory qualities. I...
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List Price: £ 68.99
Discount: 10%
Offer Price: £ 62.09
Author: Task Committee on Anchorage Design
ISBN: 0784412588 / 9780784412589
Year: 2013
Availability: Out of Stock
Anchorage Design in Petrochemical Facilities presents recommendations for the design, fabrication, and installation of anchorages into concrete for petrochemical facilities. Interpreting the intent ...
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List Price: $ 99

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Author: Rajinder Pal
ISBN: 1420089218 / 9781420089219
Year: 2014
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
In the design, processing, and applications of composite materials, a thorough understanding of the physical properties is required. It is important to be able to predict the variations of these pro...
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List Price: £ 190
Discount: 10%
Offer Price: £ 171
Author: Alessandro Brambilla
ISBN: 007182068X / 9780071820684
Year: 2014
Availability: Out of Stock
The latest methodologies for the control of distillation processes Written by an expert with more than 30 years of industry experience, Distillation Control and Optimization: Operation Fundamenta...
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List Price: $ 94

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Author: Jacinto Sa
ISBN: 1482203715 / 9781482203714
Year: 2015
Availability: Out of Stock
This book presents the groundbreaking discoveries, recent developments, and future perspectives of one of the most important areas of renewable energy research%u2014the heterogeneous catalytic produ...
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List Price: £ 190

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Author: Yatish T. Shah
ISBN: 1482216183 / 9781482216189
Year: 2014
Availability: In Stock
Water, in all its forms, may be the key to an environmentally friendly energy economy. Water is free, there is plenty of it, plus it carries what is generally believed to be the best long-term sourc...
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List Price: £ 270
Offer Price: ` 15800
Author: Pradyot Patnaik
ISBN: 0071410600 / 9780071410601
Year: 2004
Availability: Out of Stock
THE MOST USEFUL TOOL IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY This comprehensive, up-to-date reference offers chemists and chemical engineers detailed coverage of the full range of analytical methods, including a...
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List Price: $ 179

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Author: Alain Tressaud, Boris Zemva, Tsuyoshi Nakajima
ISBN: 0444720022 / 9780444720023
Year: 2000
Availability: Out of Stock
This book summarizes recent progresses in inorganic fluorine chemistry. Highlights include new aspects of inorganic fluorine chemistry, such as new synthetic methods, structures of new fluorides and...
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List Price: $ 470
Discount: 10%
Offer Price: $ 423

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Author: A.J. Burggraaf, L. Cot
ISBN: 0444818774 / 9780444818775
Year: 1996
Availability: 45-60 days
Inorganic membrane science and technology is a new field of membrane separation technology which until recently was dominated by the earlier field of polymer membranes. Currently the subject is unde...
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List Price: $ 429
Author: Clifford E. Dykstra, Gernot Frenking, Gustavo E. Scuseria, Kwang S. Kim
ISBN: 0444517197 / 9780444517197
Year: 2005
Availability: Out of Stock
Computational chemistry is a means of applying theoretical ideas using computers and a set of techniques for investigating chemical problems within which common questions vary from molecular geometr...
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List Price: $ 495
Discount: 10%
Offer Price: $ 445.50

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Author: Thomas F. Derosa
ISBN: 0071826688 / 9780071826686
Year: 2015
Availability: In Stock
Cutting-edge advances in green chemistry Based on data from the United States Patent and Trademark Office, Engineering Green Chemical Processes describes sustainable breakthroughs in chemical res...
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List Price: $ 158
Offer Price: ` 10700
Author: Nick Kanellopoulos
ISBN: 1466599383 / 9781466599383
Year: 2015
Availability: In Stock
It is estimated that a large fraction of natural gas reserves are found in locations from where transport is not economical. If these isolated natural gas reserves could be converted to synthetic fu...
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List Price: £ 185
Offer Price: ` 13800
Author: Ghazi A. Karim
ISBN: 1498703089 / 9781498703086
Year: 2015
Availability: Out of Stock
Dual-Fuel Diesel Engines offers a detailed discussion of different types of dual-fuel diesel engines, the gaseous fuels they can use, and their operational practices. Reflecting cutting-edge advance...
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List Price: £ 155

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Author: Bhupinder Mehta, Manju Mehta
ISBN: 8120351266 / 9788120351264
Year: 2015
Availability: Out of Stock
The second edition of the book continues to offer a range of pedagogical features maintaining the balanced approach of the text. The attempts have been made to further strengthen the conceptual unde...
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List Price: ` 695

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Author: James G. Speight, Nour Shafik El-Gendy
ISBN: 1466596716 / 9781466596719
Year: 2016
Availability: Out of Stock
Handbook of Refinery Desulfurization describes the operation of the various desulfurization process units in a petroleum refinery. It also explains the processes that produce raw materials for the p...
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List Price: £ 175

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