Chemical Books

Total Record : 298
Author: Hussein K. Abdel-Aal, Mohamed A. Aggour, Mohamed A. Fahim
ISBN: 1482255928 / 9781482255928
Year: 2016
Availability: In Stock
Many oil production processes present a significant challenge to the oil and gas field processing facilities and equipment design. The optimization of the sequential operations of handling the oil&n...
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List Price: £ 155
Offer Price: ` 11800
Author: P. Chattopadhyay
ISBN: 1259001490 / 9781259001499
Year: 2015
Availability: Out of Stock
This exhaustively written treatise on steam – its generation and uses – is essentially a self-learning guide presented in question-answer form. The book addresses almost all the informat...
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List Price: ` 3210

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Author: Henry Z. Kister
ISBN: 007034910X / 9780070349100
Year: 1990
Availability: 45-60 days
Discussing distillation, this book gives readers guidelines for operation, troubleshooting and control. It offers a compendium of Do's and Don'ts, good practices, and guidelines for trouble-free des...
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List Price: $ 152
Author: J. Warnatz, R.W. Dibble, U. Maas
ISBN: 3540652280 / 9783540652281
Year: 1999
Availability: In Stock
Combustion is an old technology, which at present provides about 90% of our worldwide energy support. Combustion research in the past used fluid mechanics with global heat release by chemical reacti...
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List Price: $ 59.95
Offer Price: ` 3300
Author: Donald R. Woods
ISBN: 3527311637 / 9783527311637
Year: 2006
Availability: Out of Stock
Chemical production processes consist of many complex apparatuses involving both moving and static parts as well as interconnecting pipes, control mechanisms and electronics, mechanical and thermal ...
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List Price: $ 180

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Author: Alirio Egidio Rodrigues, Jaime Duarte Rodrigues, Maria do Carmo Coimbra, Rui Jorge Mendes Robalo, Rui Manuel Pires Almeida
ISBN: 1138496723 / 9781138496729
Year: 2018
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks.
This book focuses on process simulation in chemical engineering with a numerical algorithm based on the moving finite element method (MFEM). It offers new tools and approaches for modeling and simul...
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List Price: £ 64.99
Author: Anton A. Kiss, Carlos A. Infante Ferreira
ISBN: 0367574497 / 9780367574499
Year: 2020
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
As the chemical process industry is among the most energy demanding sectors, chemical engineers are endeavoring to contribute towards sustainable future. Due to the limitation of fossil fuels, the n...
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List Price: £ 45.99
Discount: 10%
Offer Price: £ 41.39
Author: Marc J. M. Abadie, Omari V. Mukbaniani, Tamara Tatrishvili
ISBN: 1774630443 / 9781774630440
Year: 2021
Availability: 2-3 weeks
In this important volume, the structures and functions of these advanced polymer and composite systems are evaluated with respect to improved or novel performance, and the potential implications of ...
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List Price: £ 82.99
Author: James G. Speight
ISBN: 0367574403 / 9780367574406
Year: 2020
Availability: In Stock
Petroleum refining involves refining crude petroleum as well as producing raw materials for the petrochemical industry. This book covers current refinery processes and process-types that are likely ...
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List Price: £ 45.99
Offer Price: ` 4100
Author: Wenyi Zhao
ISBN: 1032259272 / 9781032259277
Year: 2023
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
This fully updated second edition reflects the significant changes in process chemistry since the first edition and includes more common process issues such as safety, cost, robustness, and environm...
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List Price: £ 175
Discount: 10%
Offer Price: £ 157.50
Author: Jennifer Spinti
ISBN: 0367872986 / 9780367872984
Year: 2019
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Includes full-color isopach and richness maps for each organic-rich and organic-lean oil shale interval within the upper Green River Formation. Offers computational exploration of trade-offs in d...
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List Price: £ 54.99
Author: Mohamed Y. Soliman, Ron Dusterhoft
ISBN: 1259585611 / 9781259585616
Year: 2016
Availability: Out of Stock
Effectively Apply Modern Fracturing Methods in Horizontal Wells Improve productivity and maximize natural gas extraction using the practical information contained in this comprehensive guide. Wri...
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List Price: $ 150

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Author: Abbas Firoozabadi
ISBN: 0071843256 / 9780071843256
Year: 2015
Availability: 45-60 days
This state-of-the-art guide presents a systematic methodology for applying thermodynamics principles in the many areas of the hydrocarbon energy industry Thermodynamics and Applications in Hydroc...
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List Price: $ 182
Author: Jawad Azeem Shaikh, Karen Schou Pedersen, Peter Lindskou Christensen
ISBN: 1138313815 / 9781138313811
Year: 2024
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Developed in conjunction with several oil companies using experimental data for real reservoir fluids, Phase Behavior of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids introduces industry standard methods for modeling ...
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List Price: £ 120
Author: Yatish T. Shah
ISBN: 0367874245 / 9780367874247
Year: 2019
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Commercial development of energy from renewables and nuclear is critical to long-term industry and environmental goals. However, it will take time for them to economically compete with existing foss...
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List Price: £ 61.99
Author: F. Gao, N. Lu, X. Chen, Y. Yang
ISBN: 1569905924 / 9781569905920
Year: 2016
Availability: Out of Stock
Injection molding is the most versatile, flexible, and dynamic plastics production operation. It has been used to manufacture products from practically all thermoplastic polymers, blends, composites...
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List Price: $ 219.99

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Author: Edwin Yuh, Frank (Xin X.) Zhu, Richard Hoehn, Vasant Thakkar
ISBN: 1118921356 / 9781118921357
Year: 2017
Availability: In Stock
Provides a holistic approach that looks at changing process conditions, possible process design changes, and process technology upgrades Includes process integration techniques for improving pr...
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List Price: $ 167.95
Offer Price: ` 9500
Author: Faisal Khan
ISBN: 0128115475 / 9780128115473
Year: 2017
Availability: 45-60 days
Methods in Chemical Process Safety, Volume 1, publishes fully commissioned reviews across the field of process safety, risk assessment and management and loss prevention. It aims to serve as an info...
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List Price: $ 245
Author: Dagmar D`hooge, Denis Constales, Gregory S. Yablonsky, Guy B. Marin, Joris W. Thybaut
ISBN: 044459485X / 9780444594853
Year: 2017
Availability: 45-60 days
Advanced Data Analysis and Modeling in Chemical Engineering provides the mathematical foundations of different areas of chemical engineering and describes typical applications. The book presents the...
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List Price: $ 129.95
Author: Anthony Stanislaus, Edward Furimsky, Meena Marafi
ISBN: 0444638814 / 9780444638816
Year: 2017
Availability: 45-60 days
Handbook of Spent Hydroprocessing Catalysts, Second Edition, covers all aspects of spent hydroprocessing catalysts, both regenerable and non-regenerable. It contains detailed information on hazardou...
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List Price: $ 230
Author: Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff
ISBN: 1119117615 / 9781119117612
Year: 2016
Availability: 45-60 days
This is a major new handbook that covers hundreds of subjects that cross numerous industry sectors; however, the handbook is heavily slanted to oil and gas environmental management, control and poll...
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List Price: $ 279.95
Author: Bruce K. Vaughen, James A. Klein
ISBN: 0367736179 / 9780367736170
Year: 2020
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Effective process safety programs consist of three interrelated foundations—safety culture and leadership, process safety systems, and operational discipline—designed to prevent serious ...
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List Price: £ 58.99
Author: Jiujun Zhang, Ningsheng Cai, Tianyu Cao, Yixiang Shi
ISBN: 0367889838 / 9780367889838
Year: 2019
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
As global demands for energy and lower carbon emissions rise, developing systems of energy conversion and storage becomes necessary. This book explores how Electrochemical Energy Storage and Convers...
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List Price: £ 66.99
Author: Yatish T. Shah
ISBN: 1138033537 / 9781138033535
Year: 2018
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
The book details sources of thermal energy, methods of capture, and applications. It describes the basics of thermal energy, including measuring thermal energy, laws of thermodynamics that govern it...
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List Price: £ 185
Author: Fangming Jin
ISBN: 0367873710 / 9780367873714
Year: 2019
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
The book covers advances in hydrothermal reduction of CO2 into low-carbon fuels. It offers perspectives from chemical engineering, environmental chemicals, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, ph...
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List Price: £ 82.99
Discount: 10%
Offer Price: £ 74.69
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