Joseph Niederstadt

Total Record : 3
Author: Joseph Niederstadt
ISBN: 1439825505 / 9781439825501
Year: 2010
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
While it is a given that most Lean companies adopt methods to standardize cyclical activities, they often fail to apply the same rigor to noncyclical work, believing that it cannot be measured. Stan...
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List Price: £ 37.99
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Offer Price: £ 34.19
Author: Joseph Niederstadt
ISBN: 1482205297 / 9781482205299
Year: 2014
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
A part of the Toyota production system, Kamishibai boards are a visual control for performing audits within a manufacturing process. The Kamishibai boards allow you to identify normal versus abnorma...
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List Price: £ 43.99
Author: Joseph Niederstadt
ISBN: 1482253658 / 9781482253658
Year: 2015
Availability: In Stock
This book provides a method to help organizations engage associates and help them become Lean experts in specific areas, including standardized work, value stream mapping, and TPM. By implementing t...
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