Lean Books

Total Record : 533
Author: Gary Conner
ISBN: 0872638588 / 9780872638587
Year: 2008
Availability: In Stock
Thousands of people at hundreds of companies have used the Shingo-Prize-Award-winning first edition of "Lean Manufacturing for the Small Shop" as their how-to guide to shortening delivery times, eli...
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List Price: $ 45
Offer Price: ` 3300
Author: Regine Slagmulder, Robin Cooper
ISBN: 1563272180 / 9781563272189
Year: 1999
Availability: In Stock
Does your firm set specific cost-reduction objectives for its suppliers? Does your firm help its customers and/or suppliers find ways to achieve their cost-education objectives? Does your firm...
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List Price: £ 71.99
Offer Price: ` 2200
Author: Beau Keyte, Drew Locher
ISBN: 1482206137 / 9781482206135
Year: 2016
Availability: Out of Stock
The first edition of this book won a Shingo Prize for Excellence in Manufacturing Research, and now, following in the tradition of its bestselling predecessor, The Complete Lean Enterprise: Value St...
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List Price: £ 52.99

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Author: Jeffrey Liker
ISBN: 0367480204 / 9780367480202
Year: 2020
Availability: In Stock
Pure and simple, lean is reducing the time from customer order to manufacturing by eliminating non-value-added waste in the production stream. The ideal of a lean system is one-piece flow, because a...
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List Price: £ 47.99
Offer Price: ` 2195
Author: Michel Baudin
ISBN: 1138198307 / 9781138198302
Year: 2017
Availability: In Stock
Are your warehouses full while production is stopped by shortages? Do you know what you have, and when the next replenishments will come? Do your customers complain that your lead times are too long...
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List Price: £ 62.99
Offer Price: ` 950
Author: George Shinkle, Reb Gooding
ISBN: 1563272997 / 9781563272998
Year: 2004
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks.
The authors provide a practical and comprehensive approach to implementing strategic intent in organizations through the use of lean management systems, strategic planning, lean enterprise managemen...
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List Price: £ 35.99
Author: Don Tapping, Tom Luyster, Tom Shuker
ISBN: 1498767427 / 9781498767422
Year: 2016
Availability: In Stock
The Value Stream Management System simplifies the planning process for lean implementation, ensuring quick deployment and greater success. It links the metrics and reporting required by management w...
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List Price: £ 51.99
Offer Price: ` 2095
Author: Don Tapping, Tom Shuker
ISBN: 1563272466 / 9781563272462
Year: 2003
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Bring Lean Improvements to the Administrative Areas of Your Organization! Extending their eight-step process to the realization of a lean office, Tapping and Shuker use a customer service case st...
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List Price: £ 37.99
Author: JIPM
ISBN: 0367199874 / 9780367199876
Year: 2019
Availability: In Stock
Like all Shopfloor Series books, Identifying Waste on the Shopfloor presents concepts and tools in simple and accessible language. The book includes many illustrations and examples to explain basic ...
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List Price: £ 32.99
Offer Price: ` 1095
Author: JIPM
ISBN: 036771521X / 9780367715212
Year: 2022
Availability: In Stock
Standard work is an agreed upon set of work procedures that effectively combines people, materials, and machines to maintain quality, efficiency, safety, and predictability. Work is described precis...
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List Price: £ 34.99
Offer Price: ` 1295
Author: Shigeo Shingo
ISBN: 1563273845 / 9781563273841
Year: 2012
Availability: In Stock
Here is a great introduction to the remarkable mind of Shigeo Shingo, indisputably one of the great forces in manufacturing. In this book Dr. Shingo describes his approach to manufacturing improveme...
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List Price: £ 47.99
Offer Price: ` 950
Author: John W. Davis
ISBN: 1563272474 / 9781563272479
Year: 2001
Availability: In Stock
In his latest offering, John Davis tackles the "human" side of a lean initiative -- cultivating a lean culture and gaining employee buy-in. How managers deal with these issues will ultimately determ...
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List Price: £ 56.99
Offer Price: ` 4100
Author: Charles J. Robinson
ISBN: 091529964X / 9780915299645
Year: 1990
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks.
Here's the quickest and most inexpensive way to learn about the pioneering work of Shigeo Shingo, co-creator (with Taiichi Ohno) of just-in-time. It's an introductory book containing excerpts of fiv...
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List Price: £ 35.99
Author: James Sutton, Peter Middleton
ISBN: 1563273055 / 9781563273056
Year: 2006
Availability: In Stock
Lean production, which has radically benefited traditional manufacturing, can greatly improve the software industry with similar methods and results. This transformation is possible because the same...
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List Price: £ 48.99
Offer Price: ` 3800
Author: J Black, Steve Hunter
ISBN: 087263647X / 9780872636477
Year: 2003
Availability: In Stock
Eminent manufacturing systems experts J T. Black and Steve L. Hunter explain in this book how cellular manufacturing and assembly subsystems comprise the foundation for the entire lean production im...
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List Price: $ 85
Offer Price: ` 6200
Author: Julian Page
ISBN: 1569903530 / 9781569903537
Year: 2004
Availability: Out of Stock
This guide to taking your enterprise lean focuses on the steps that management and workers must collectively adopt to transform any organization into a lean operation. While everyone agrees that red...
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Author: Charles Robinson, David Stewart & John Allen
ISBN: 0872635252 / 9780872635258
Year: 2001
Availability: In Stock
This book takes readers on a comprehensive, 'street-level' journey through the entire lean implementation process. It is an easy-to-digest reference of lean fundamentals and processes that are missi...
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List Price: $ 105
Offer Price: ` 8200
Author: Frederick Michel and James Jordan
ISBN: 0872635236 / 9780872635234
Year: 2001
Availability: In Stock
This book presents a lucid, theoretical vision of what a lean company should look like, as well as the organizing principles that are its reason for existence and the rational for the activities tha...
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List Price: $ 71
Offer Price: ` 5200
Author: Edward Phillips
ISBN: 0872634841 / 9780872634848
Year: 1997
Availability: 45-60 days
A step-by-step guide to planning new factories and plant rearrangements, this book describes proven analytical methods for: calculating space requirements, activity-pair relationships, materials han...
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List Price: $ 95
Author: Productivity Press Development Team
ISBN: 156327275X / 9781563272752
Year: 2002
Availability: In Stock
This dictionary, specific to lean business processes, contains over 500 terms used in lean management and manufacturing. Easy to access, accurate, and comprehensive, LeanSpeak will become the deskt...
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List Price: £ 22.99
Offer Price: ` 1450
Author: Productivity Press Development Team
ISBN: 1563273322 / 9781563273322
Year: 2006
Availability: In Stock
Flow is a fundamental concept of lean manufacturing, and its improvement is a challenge to many organizations. After mastering basic visual tools, managers concentrate on increasing flow. Shopfloor ...
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List Price: £ 22.99
Offer Price: ` 1810
Author: Andy Carlino & Jamie Flinchbaugh
ISBN: 0872638316 / 9780872638310
Year: 2006
Availability: 45-60 days
Hitchhikers do not travel a fixed path. They intentionally wander so they can learn and grow along the way. Embarking on the lean journey is similar, there are many roads on which to wander and no s...
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List Price: $ 30
Author: Darren Dolcemascolo
ISBN: 1563273330 / 9781563273339
Year: 2006
Availability: 45-60 days
When most teams map a lean value stream, they tend to focus on internal processes, and many organizations have reaped the benefits of implementing lean within their own facilities. The total value s...
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List Price: £ 54.99
Author: Terence Burton and Steven Boeder
ISBN: 1932159126 / 9781932159127
Year: 2003
Availability: In Stock
This book provides executives, managers and educators with a comprehensive implementation plan for implementing enterprise-wide lean. Using the Lean Extended Enterprise Reference Model (LEERM), it d...
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List Price: $ 59.95
Offer Price: $ 30
Author: Mark Nash, Sheila R. Poling, Sophronia Ward
ISBN: 1563273438 / 9781563273438
Year: 2006
Availability: 45-60 days
In Using Lean for Faster Six Sigma Results, Mark Nash, Sheila Poling, and Sophronia Ward lay out the differences between Lean and Six Sigma, define the distinct power and focus of each, and detail w...
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List Price: £ 39.99
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