Lean Books

Total Record : 533
Author: Josef Packowski
ISBN: 1482205335 / 9781482205336
Year: 2014
Availability: 15-30 days
Delivering excellent service to all customers is the key imperative for many sustainable businesses. So why do so many supply chains struggle to fulfill customer requirements at competitive costs? T...
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List Price: £ 77.99
Author: Chris Harris, Rick Harris
ISBN: 1466586338 / 9781466586338
Year: 2014
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Although there are many organizations that have implemented Lean production systems and become more profitable as a result, there can be a gap between what those organizations currently do and how t...
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List Price: £ 41.99
Author: Joao Neiva de Figueiredo, Mauro F. Guillen
ISBN: 1466590483 / 9781466590489
Year: 2014
Availability: In Stock
This book shares examples of sustainable electricity generation in different countries, It provides an in-depth analysis of the key factors affecting success, or lack thereof, to draw valuable lesso...
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List Price: £ 52.99
Offer Price: ` 4200
Author: Roger G. Lewandowski
ISBN: 1482215829 / 9781482215823
Year: 2014
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Stating that US-based industry is only operating at approximately 65 percent effectiveness in implementing Lean production, this book reasons that overseas factories can't compete with domestic fact...
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List Price: £ 25.99
Author: David M. Anderson
ISBN: 1482204924 / 9781482204926
Year: 2014
Availability: In Stock
This book explains how to develop manufactured products right, the first time around. It describes how to reduce total cost, ramp to volume production on schedule, and increase production for demand...
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List Price: £ 59.99
Offer Price: ` 4600
Author: Willis H. Thomas
ISBN: 1466554568 / 9781466554566
Year: 2014
Availability: In Stock
Professional certification has become a very popular topic and a significant number of individuals are making it a priority. Some people are torn on whether or not to obtain a certification to bolst...
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List Price: £ 20.99
Offer Price: ` 1450
Author: Bill Templeman
ISBN: 1482219956 / 9781482219951
Year: 2014
Availability: In Stock
Training for frontline managers and supervisors is being ignored as a business improvement tactic at the worst possible time. As management jobs become increasingly complex, we continue to be inunda...
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List Price: £ 29.99
Discount: 10%
Offer Price: £ 26.99
Author: Alain Patchong
ISBN: 1466563583 / 9781466563582
Year: 2014
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
This book, the fourth in a series dedicated to Standardized Work, focuses on process improvement. It begins by explaining that standardization and improvement are the two faces of the same coin. The...
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List Price: £ 21.99
Discount: 10%
Offer Price: £ 19.79
Author: Charles Kenney
ISBN: 1563273756 / 9781563273759
Year: 2010
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
For decades, the manufacturing industry has employed the Toyota Production System — the most powerful production method in the world — to reduce waste, improve quality, reduce defects an...
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List Price: £ 35.99
Author: David G. Carmichael
ISBN: 146657061X / 9781466570610
Year: 2013
Availability: Out of Stock
Whatever their discipline, engineers are routinely called upon to develop solutions to all kinds of problems. To do so effectively, they need a systematic and disciplined approach that considers a r...
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List Price: £ 84.99

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Author: Brett Trusko, H. James Harrington
ISBN: 146657075X / 9781466570757
Year: 2014
Availability: In Stock
Value proposition, an old concept, is taking on new significance in today’s innovation-driven environment. Business focus has shifted from developing many creative ideas to developing only tho...
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List Price: £ 26.99
Offer Price: ` 2000
Author: Christopher F. Voehl, Frank Voehl, H. James Harrington
ISBN: 1466580518 / 9781466580510
Year: 2015
Availability: In Stock
Business cases can be useful in relating various value propositions to the success of the organization. In developing business cases, value propositions are aligned with the organization's prioritiz...
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List Price: £ 30.99
Offer Price: ` 2300
Author: Barry L. Cross, M. Kathryn Brohman
ISBN: 1482216302 / 9781482216301
Year: 2014
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Today’s organizations need to introduce new products and enhance existing services faster in order to remain competitive. The common cause of project failure is that leadership fails to apprec...
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List Price: £ 49.99
Discount: 10%
Offer Price: £ 44.99
Author: Randy K. Kesterson
ISBN: 1482218690 / 9781482218695
Year: 2015
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
The problem with most Hoshin Kanri books is they describe a methodology that is complex and overwhelming to most leaders and their companies. The need to essentially change the culture of the entire...
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List Price: £ 21.99
Author: Marc Jensen
ISBN: 1482253178 / 9781482253177
Year: 2015
Availability: In Stock
The fact that a process produces garbage is a testament to design inefficiency, and this book explains how to use the nature of that garbage to pinpoint and eliminate those inefficiencies. Lean Wast...
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List Price: £ 25.99
Offer Price: ` 1900
Author: Norton Paley
ISBN: 148222027X / 9781482220278
Year: 2014
Availability: In Stock
Clausewitz Talks Business : An Executive's Guide to Thinking Like a Strategist distills the wisdom of Carl von Clausewitz's monumental 1832 classic On War—considered by many eminent scholars a...
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List Price: £ 54.99
Author: Kenneth Gilbert, Mandyam Srinivasan, Melissa R. Bowers
ISBN: 0071789944 / 9780071789943
Year: 2014
Availability: In Stock
BOOST PROFITS AND REDUCE COSTS BY EFFICIENTLY DELIVERING SUPERIOR MRO SERVICES Lean Maintenance Repair and Overhaul describes how MRO organizations can achieve significant improvement in financia...
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List Price: $ 64
Offer Price: ` 4200
Author: John M. McKeller
ISBN: 0071805125 / 9780071805124
Year: 2014
Availability: 45-60 days
Your SOURCE for supply chain management fundamentals Optimize your understanding of the essential supply chain management practices used by the best firms to gain competitive advantage. Written i...
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List Price: $ 31
Author: Gitte Jakobsen, John Vellema, Patrick Graupp
ISBN: 148221363X / 9781482213638
Year: 2014
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Building a Global Learning Organization: Using TWI to Succeed with Strategic Workforce Expansion in the LEGO® Group describes how a multinational company developed a global structure for learning ba...
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List Price: £ 43.99
Author: Rosanna Garcia
ISBN: 148220360X / 9781482203608
Year: 2014
Availability: In Stock
It’s no secret that some of the most successful companies, such as 3M, Procter & Gamble, Microsoft, and Mercedes-Benz, are also known for their new product development strategies. Creating and...
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List Price: £ 96.99
Offer Price: ` 7100
Author: Gerhard J. Plenert
ISBN: 1466584769 / 9781466584761
Year: 2014
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
We live in a world where we try to solve similar problems in structurally the same way. But they simply are not optimally solved all the same. Supply Chain Optimization through Segmentation and Anal...
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List Price: £ 86.99
Author: Joe Bichai
ISBN: 1482235641 / 9781482235647
Year: 2015
Availability: In Stock
Learn how a factory condemned to closure transformed itself into the most productive North American manufacturer in its field. Follow the actual process that turned wasteful bad habits—includi...
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List Price: £ 56.99
Offer Price: ` 4200
Author: Anthony Sgroi
ISBN: 1482245272 / 9781482245271
Year: 2015
Availability: In Stock
Businesses require three optimized core components to run effectively: strategy, people, and branding. This book uses Lean principles along with graphics, charts, and tables to explain these three i...
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List Price: £ 49.99
Offer Price: ` 3600
Author: Chitram Lutchman, Douglas Evans, Rohanie Maharaj, Waddah Ghanem Al Hashmi
ISBN: 0367783606 / 9780367783600
Year: 2021
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
This book details the seven fundamentals required for exceptional business performance. It provides an easy to follow road map, used by many leading organizations, for generating operational discipl...
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List Price: £ 47.99
Author: William F. Roth
ISBN: 1482247062 / 9781482247060
Year: 2014
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Through decades of teaching management theory, the author has frequently questioned many modern-day management practices. This book explains, in a user-friendly and sometimes humorous manner, why th...
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List Price: £ 41.99
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