Tore Wizelius

Total Record : 2
Author: Tore Wizelius
ISBN: 1844072622 / 9781844072620
Year: 2007
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Wind power is developing rapidly, in terms of both the number of new installations and in interest from stakeholders including policy-makers, NGOs, research scientists, industry and the general publ...
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List Price: £ 115
Discount: 10%
Offer Price: £ 103.50
Author: Tore Wizelius
ISBN: 1138780456 / 9781138780453
Year: 2015
Availability: In Stock
Wind power has developed rapidly in terms of the number of new wind power plants now installed in more than hundred countries around the world. This renewable energy source has become competitive, a...
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List Price: £ 76.99
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