Cooling Water Treatment : Principles and Practice

Title: Cooling Water Treatment : Principles and Practice
Author: Colin Frayne
ISBN: 0820603708 / 9780820603704
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 512
Publisher: Chemical Publishing Co. Inc.
Year: 1999
Availability: 45-60 days

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COOLING WATER TREATMENT, PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE Through a practical and international approach, this comprehensive reference addresses modern theory, practice, management, purchasing and marketing of cooling water systems, in one volume.

This handbook analyzes : -

  • Factors that may compromise and interfere with the optimal functioning and management of cooling water systems.
  • Treatments, including specialty chemicals, formulations, programming and pre-treatment equipment.
  • Elements influencing cooling water marketing efforts as well as purchasing decisions.

Tab Article

About the Author
Introduction : Marketing Cooling Water Treatment

Chapter 1 : Cooling System and Heat Exchange Essentials
Chapter 2 : Makeup Water Sources and Their Impurities
Chapter 3 : Makeup Water Pretreatment Processes
Chapter 4 : Corrosion, Fouling, and Deposition
Chapter 5 : Chemical Treatments and Programs for Cooling Water
Chapter 6 : Microbiological Control Programs
Chapter 7 : Buying and Selling Cooling Water Programs
Chapter 8 : Surveys, Inspections, and Cooling Water Program Selection
Chapter 9 : Managing Cooling Water Programs
Chapter 10 : Monitoring and Control

Appendix A : Useful Data
Appendix B : Glossary