Colin Frayne

Total Record : 3
Author: Colin Frayne
ISBN: 0820603708 / 9780820603704
Year: 1999
Availability: 45-60 days
COOLING WATER TREATMENT, PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE Through a practical and international approach, this comprehensive reference addresses modern theory, practice, management, purchasing and marketing ...
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List Price: $ 225
Author: Colin Frayne
ISBN: 0820604003 / 9780820604008
Year: 2002
Availability: 15-30 days
Accurate chemical water treatment and skillful maintenance are key elements to attain optimal boiler operation. Boiler Water Treatment : Principles and Practice analyzes the fundamentals of the m...
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List Price: $ 135
Author: Colin Frayne
ISBN: 0820603716 / 9780820603711
Year: 2002
Availability: 45-60 days
Accurate chemical water treatment and skillful maintenance are key elements to attain optimal boiler operation. Boiler Water Treatment : Principles and Practice analyzes the fundamentals of the m...
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List Price: $ 135