Creating Competitive Power Markets : The PJM Model

Title: Creating Competitive Power Markets : The PJM Model
Author: Jeremiah D. Lambert
ISBN: 0878147918 / 9780878147915
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 236
Publisher: PennWell
Year: 2001
Availability: In Stock

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This comprehensive model of the nation’s largest, most technically advanced and forward-thinking power pool—Pennsylvania, Jersey, Maryland (PJM)—provides a window on state-of-the-art solutions to complex organizational, managerial, technical and regulatory issues that cut across an entire industry in transition.

With full cooperation from PJM, nationally recognized energy lawyer, Jeremiah D. Lambert, compares and contrasts PJM with other ISOs on key issues such as governance, structure and transmission pricing.

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Successfully structure RTO or ISO projects

  • Follow legal/regulatory guidelines
  • Develop the best-practice standards in all areas of the RTO/ISO structure.

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List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Acronyms

Chapter 1 : The Road to Competitive Electric Markets
Chapter 2 : PJM’s Evolution and Development
Chapter 3 : PJM’s Transition to ISO Status
Chapter 4 : FERC Authorization
Chapter 5 : PJM Market Pricing Rules
Chapter 6 : Reliability
Chapter 7 : Generator Interconnections and Operations
Chapter 8 : Governance and Management
Chapter 9 : Epilogue
