David Neff

Total Record : 2
Author: David Neff
ISBN: 0874333660 / 9780874333664
Year: 2011
Availability: Out of Stock
In Casting Defects Handbook: Aluminum & Aluminum Alloys, many of the common types of casting defects encountered in the production of aluminum alloy castings are presented. These defects are categor...
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List Price: ` 4750

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Author: David Neff
ISBN: 0874333652 / 9780874333657
Year: 2010
Availability: Out of Stock
In Casting Defects Handbook: Copper & Copper-Base Alloys, many of the common types of casting defects encountered in the production of copper base alloy castings in both sand and permanent mold proc...
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List Price: ` 4750

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