Douglas M. Bryce

Total Record : 3
Author: Douglas M. Bryce
ISBN: 0872634957 / 9780872634954
Year: 1998
Availability: In Stock
The Plastic Injection Molding book series provides basic information, concepts, and ideas to both students and practitioners in the area of thermoplastics. The goal is to have a series of books that...
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List Price: $ 82
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Offer Price: $ 73.80
Author: Douglas M. Bryce
ISBN: 0872635031 / 9780872635036
Year: 1999
Availability: Out of Stock
The Fundamental of Injection Molding series provides basic information, concepts, and ideas for students, nocices, and experts in the area of injection molding thermoplastic materials. The goal of t...
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List Price: $ 82
Discount: 10%
Offer Price: $ 73.80

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Author: Douglas M. Bryce
ISBN: 0970519605 / 9780970519603
Year: 2001
Availability: In Stock
Shop-floor troubleshooting skills are essential for solving defect problems and improving overall part quality. This comprehensive troubleshooting guide is intended for operators, technicians, engin...
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List Price: $ 118.95
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