Jerry C Whitaker

Total Record : 3
Author: Jerry C Whitaker
ISBN: 0849300495 / 9780849300493
Year: 2000
Availability: In Stock
The venerable vacuum tube has retired. Semiconductor devices now form the core of the ongoing electronics revolution and serve as the indispensable basis of most electronic designs. From semicond...
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List Price: £ 66.99
Offer Price: ` 3200
Author: Jerry C Whitaker
ISBN: 0849300509 / 9780849300509
Year: 2000
Availability: In Stock
Advances In recent decades have created virtually free computing power, available to a great cross-section of society. This has lead to a rocketing demand for microelectronics in all sectors of cons...
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List Price: $ 99.95
Offer Price: ` 5200
Author: Jerry C Whitaker
ISBN: 0849313457 / 9780849313455
Year: 1999
Availability: In Stock
Providing examples of applications, this handbook examines the underlying technology of each type of power vacuum tube device in common use today. The author reports on new development efforts and e...
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List Price: £ 127
Offer Price: ` 9000