
Total Record : 3
Author: David M.W.N.; Clausen, Hitchens, Jens; Fichter, Klaus
ISBN: 3540652965 / 9783540652960
Year: 1999
Availability: 45-60 days
Facing the challenges of globalization and ecology, the standards for economic, social and environmental performance of companies are becoming more demanding. This book shows what sustainable develo...
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List Price: 169.99
Author: Brockhoff, Klaus
ISBN: 3540648194 / 9783540648192
Year: 1998
Availability: In Stock
Research and development is no longer a headquarters function. More and more companies internationalize their R&D activities. The pros and cons of this approach are discussed in this book. The organ...
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List Price: 139.99
Offer Price: ` 6200
Author: Graebig, Klaus
ISBN: 0873895282 / 9780873895286
Year: 2002
Availability: In Stock
This book is written by an expert from Germany on ISO 9000 and the changes to the 2000 version of the standard. This compact pocket guide illustrates the differences between ISO 9001:2000 standard c...
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List Price: $ 31.50
Offer Price: ` 1810