Richard Schroeder

Total Record : 2
Author: Don R. Linsenmann, Mikel J. Harry, Richard Schroeder, Richard Schroeder
ISBN: 8129117738 / 9780385494380
Year: 2005
Availability: In Stock
Mikel Harry and Richard Schroeder think they've figured out a management program that really works. While at Motorola in the 1980s, they helped pioneer Six Sigma, a process that "guides companies in...
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List Price: ` 799
Author: Don R. Linsenmann, Mikel J. Harry, Richard Schroeder, Richard Schroeder
ISBN: 8129117738 / 9780385494380
Year: 2005
Availability: In Stock
Mikel Harry and Richard Schroeder think they've figured out a management program that really works. While at Motorola in the 1980s, they helped pioneer Six Sigma, a process that "guides companies in...
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List Price: ` 799