Robert H. Todd and Dell K. Allen

Total Record : 2
Author: Leo Alting, Robert H. Todd and Dell K. Allen
ISBN: 0831130504 / 9780831130503
Year: 1994
Availability: In Stock
The key to understanding how to produce products with low response time, low inventory, and flexibility can be found in this important text. Using a systematic approach, this unique analysis of cont...
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Author: Leo Alting, Robert H. Todd and Dell K. Allen
ISBN: 0831130490 / 9780831130497
Year: 2005
Availability: In Stock
Written by a team of educators with unmatched experience, in collaboration with a consortium of industrial representatives from Black and Decker, Boeing, Caterpillar, General Motors, Grumman, Tektro...
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List Price: $ 94.95