Stanley B. Davis

Total Record : 2
Author: David L. Goetsch, Stanley B. Davis
ISBN: 0130812366 / 9780130812360
Year: 2000
Availability: Out of Stock
The only complete book on ISO 14000 written as a practical teaching resource and how-to guide, this text provides a step-by-step model for understanding the ISO 14000 standard. Filling the void for ...
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List Price: $ 114.60

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Author: David L. Goetsch, Stanley B. Davis
ISBN: 0130272620 / 9780130272621
Year: 2001
Availability: In Stock
Total Quality Handbook provides practical, easy-to-use information for both students and practitioners in the field of quality management. Global competition and the ever-increasing expectations of ...
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List Price: $ 90
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