Wet-Steam Turbines for Nuclear Power Plants

Title: Wet-Steam Turbines for Nuclear Power Plants
Author: Dr. Alexander Leyzerovich
ISBN: 1593700326 / 9781593700324
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 418
Publisher: PennWell
Year: 2005
Availability: In Stock

Tab Article

Wet-Steam Turbines for Nuclear Power Plants presents a survey of modern wet-steam turbines, addressing both full-speed and half-speed units. This book explains in clear, but detailed language the design features of the world’s leading wet-steam turbine manufacturers, including the subtleties of operation of these complex components. It also gives readers comprehensive background on typical repairs and maintenance planning. Mainly addressing issues concerned to owners and operators of nuclear power plants, university professors and engineering students will benefit from the thorough review of nuclear wet-steam turbines. Discussions include turbines between 200 and 1,500 MW and greater, operated at nuclear power plants with light-water and heavy-water reactors, such as PWR, BWR, PHWR, CANDU, and their advanced modifications. These turbines are fed with saturated steam, and most of their stages work with wet steam.

While this book focuses on the understanding of turbine design, it also covers the peculiarities of operation, spotting possible imperfections, and the distinct advantages of refurbishing older turbines to gain increased output, greater reliability and efficiency. Readers will gain knowledge of design decisions by world’s main turbine producers: ALSTOM, General Electric, Hitachi, LMZ, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Skoda, Siemens, Toshiba and Turboatom, as well as possibilities for improvement of aging turbines currently in service. This is the first book in 20 years on this highly technical.

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List of Illustrations
List of Tables

Chapter 1 : The Nuclear Power Industry at the Turn of the 21st Century
Chapter 2 : The Thermal Process in Wet-Steam Turbines
Chapter 3 : Design
Chapter 4 : Operation
Chapter 5 : Refurbishment

List of Abbreviations and Symbols
Unit Conversion Table