Deepwater Exploration in India : A Reference Book

Title: Deepwater Exploration in India : A Reference Book
Author: Dr. V.K. Rao
ISBN: 8192756807 / 9788192756806
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 254
Publisher: Oil and Maritime (Synergising Offshore & Maritime)
Year: 2010
Availability: Out of Stock

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The book on "Deep Water Exploration in India-Potential, Opportunities and Operational Challenges" is and elaborate and comprehensive volume on deep water exploration scenario in India integrating Petroleum geology of Deep Water Basins, their Prognosticated potential and contingent operationals challenges.

The book on "Deep Water Exploration in India-Potential, Opportunities and Operational Challenges attempts to presents deep water Exploration scenario in India integrating Petroleum geology of the deep water basins, their prognosticated potential and forecasting emerging trends in the whole spectrum of Deep water exploration in India.

The book covers a wide range of subjects un the activity chain starting from understanding the geology of the deep water Basins-including the basins evolution, stratigraphy , play types and hydrocarbon potential and then discusses on the projected production profiles of discovered fields. One of the important aspects in the domain of deep water exploration is the operational challenges of development of the discoveries to convert them into a commercially profitable preposition-particularly in the context of their remote location.

The Book would be useful reference guide to facilitate investors, explorationists, academicians and services providers to evaluate, assess and participate in India's Deep Water Exploration Programme.

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Part I : Description
Chapter 1 : Preamble
Chapter 2 : Global Scenario and Indian Perspective
Chapter 3 : Sedimentary Basins of India, Petroleum Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of Deep Water basins

Part II : East Coast Basin
Chapter 4 : Bengal Basin
Chapter 5 : Mahanadi Basin
Chapter 6 : Krishna-Godavari Basin
Chapter 7 : Cauvery Basin
Chapter 8 : Palar-Pennar Basin
Chapter 9 : Bengal Fan Delta System and Hydrocarbon Potential

Part III : West Coast Basins
Chapter 10 : Kutch Saurashtra Basin
Chapter 11 : Mumbai Offshore Basin
Chapter 12 : Kerala-Konkan Basin
Chapter 13 : Andaman Basin

Part IV : Operational Opportunities & Challenges
Chapter 14 : Seismic Data API and Exploratory wells Drilling Commitments
Chapter 15 : Deep Water Blocks under NELP-VIII Round
Chapter 16 : Exploratory well Drilling Programme
Chapter 17 : Development Programme of Deep Water Discoveries
Chapter 18 : Economic Models for Indian Deep Water Exploration
Chapter 19 : Construction & Installation of Subsea Structures-Indian Perspective
Chapter 20 : Floating Liquefaction Natural Gas Scenerio (FPSO)
Chapter 21 : Floating Production Storage and Offloading Scenerio (FPSO)
Chapter 22 : Drilling and Development Agreements and Indemnity Provisions
Chapter 23 : Tax Regime-India’s Oil & Gas Sector – Rising to the Occasion

Part V : Annexures
Chapter 24 : Deep Water Bid Evaluation Criteria Though NELP-I to NELP-VIII

About the Book